My Summaries
Hi there! 👋🏼 On this site you can find a collection of the summaries and cheat sheets I wrote during my studies 👨🏻🎓. This is the template I used for my handwriten Cheat Sheets. You can find the LaTeX and Goodnotes files here 📁. Since it takes a lot of time (and coffee) to write these summaries / cheat sheets, there is a BuyMeACoffe ☕️ page to support my work. Any support is highly appreciated!
1. Semester
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
Summary -
Diskrete Mathematik
Summary | Cheatsheet -
Einführung in die Programmierung
Summary -
Lineare Algebra
Summary | Cheatsheet
2. Semester
Analysis I
Cheatsheet -
Digital Design and Comp. Arch.
3. Semester
Analysis II
Cheatsheet | (English Version) -
Numerical Methods for CS
Summary -
System Programming and Comp. Arch.
Summary -
Theoretische Informatik
4. Semester
Computer Networks
Summary -
Data Modeling and Databases
Summary -
Formal Methods and Functional Prog.
Summary -
Wahrscheinlichkeit und Statistik
5. Semester
Compiler Design
Cheatsheet -
Computer Systems
Summary -
Visual Computing
6. Semester
Introduction to Machine Learning
Summary | Cheatsheet -
Rigorous Software Engineering
GESS / Ergänzung / Wahl
ANOVA and Experimental Design
Cheatsheet -
Entrepreneurial Risks
Summary -
Introduction to Neuroinformatics