[Your Name]

Giovanni Fattori

Email: gfattori at ethz.ch

Office: Room C14, PSI\WMSA

Welcome to my personal page


Here you will find some information on past and current projects, and thesis opportunities. If you are interested, have a look at the Research and Theses pages.


I have a PhD in Bioengineering from Politecnico di Milano and I am currently working as senior scientist at the Center for Proton Therapy of Paul Scherrer Institute - PSI.

Research interests

I am interested in how advances in data analysis, computing and biomedical imaging open up new opportunities to improve our therapeutic approach. My main area of expertise is image-guided radiotherapy, navigation and patient tracking. Recent research includes modelling of treatment outcomes and biophysics aspects of proton therapy.

Latest Updates

Research Highlight

Research Highlight

SNF funded research on proton RBE from clinical data.

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New Publication

New Publication

Check out the most recent publication from our group on imaging.

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Upcoming Event

Upcoming Event

Image guided medical intervetions course will start on Sep 18.

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