{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "id": "285b813a-7cff-426d-adb2-b8d3eeea6e34", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "import seaborn as sns\n", "sns.set(style=\"ticks\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "id": "fe08c27b-f908-4835-b058-8bc158333a26", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "import pydicom\n", "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 15, "id": "9453adc2-bad5-4117-a578-b663f22d8d4e", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "myImg = pydicom.dcmread('CT1.')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 66, "id": "acb6753d-e422-484f-9d0b-d15c0fef59c2", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "(0008, 0016) SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", "(0008, 0018) SOP Instance UID UI:\n", "(0008, 0021) Series Date DA: '20230209'\n", "(0008, 0031) Series Time TM: '194815.937000'\n", "(0008, 0060) Modality CS: 'CT'\n", "(0008, 0070) Manufacturer LO: 'SIEMENS'\n", "(0008, 1090) Manufacturer's Model Name LO: 'Sensation Open'\n", "(0010, 0010) Patient's Name PN: 'Gpps^'\n", "(0010, 0020) Patient ID LO: 'P22381'\n", "(0010, 0030) Patient's Birth Date DA: '19680101'\n", "(0010, 0040) Patient's Sex CS: 'O'\n", "(0010, 1010) Patient's Age AS: '055Y'\n", "(0018, 0050) Slice Thickness DS: \"1.0\"\n", "(0018, 0060) KVP DS: \"120.0\"\n", "(0018, 0090) Data Collection Diameter DS: \"500.0\"\n", "(0018, 1151) X-Ray Tube Current IS: \"82\"\n", "(0018, 1100) Reconstruction Diameter DS: \"500.0\"\n", "(0018, 1110) Distance Source to Detector DS: \"1040.0\"\n", "(0018, 1111) Distance Source to Patient DS: \"570.0\"\n", "(0018, 1130) Table Height DS: \"175.0\"\n", "(0018, 5100) Patient Position CS: 'HFS'\n", "(0020, 0032) Image Position (Patient) DS: [-249.51171875, -424.51171875, -961]\n", "(0020, 0037) Image Orientation (Patient) DS: [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]\n", "(0028, 0010) Rows US: 512\n", "(0028, 0011) Columns US: 512\n", "(0028, 0030) Pixel Spacing DS: [0.9765625, 0.9765625]\n", "(0028, 0101) Bits Stored US: 12\n", "(0028, 1050) Window Center DS: [450, 40]\n", "(0028, 1051) Window Width DS: [1500, 350]\n", "(0028, 1052) Rescale Intercept DS: \"-1024.0\"\n", "(0028, 1053) Rescale Slope DS: \"1.0\"\n", "(7fe0, 0010) Pixel Data OW: Array of 524288 elements\n" ] } ], "source": [ "#print(myImg)\n", "print(myImg[0x00080016:0x00080017])\n", "print(myImg[0x00080018:0x00080019])\n", "print(myImg[0x00080021:0x00080022])\n", "print(myImg[0x00080031:0x00080032])\n", "print(myImg[0x00080060:0x00080071])\n", "print(myImg[0x00081090:0x00081091])\n", "print(myImg[0x00100000:0x00110000])\n", "print(myImg[0x00180050:0x00180051])\n", "print(myImg[0x00180060:0x00180091])\n", "print(myImg[0x00181151:0x00181152])\n", "print(myImg[0x00181100:0x00181112])\n", "print(myImg[0x00181130:0x00181131])\n", "print(myImg[0x00185100:0x00185101])\n", "print(myImg[0x00200032:0x00200038])\n", "print(myImg[0x00280010:0x00280012])\n", "print(myImg[0x00280030:0x00280031])\n", "print(myImg[0x00280101:0x00280102])\n", "print(myImg[0x00281050:0x00281054])\n", "print(myImg[0x7fe00010:0x7fe00011])\n", "\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 68, "id": "53f4ded1-3730-4ce1-960a-01b1c9b39d61", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "execution_count": 68, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" }, { "data": { "image/png": "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"text/plain": [ "
" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))\n", "plt.imshow(myImg.pixel_array,cmap='gray')\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 75, "id": "a5779e41-2cee-4739-b320-b060fee9a101", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "0.7071067811865476\n", "-0.7071067811865475\n" ] } ], "source": [ "import numpy as np\n", "print(np.cos(np.deg2rad(-45)))\n", "print(np.sin(np.deg2rad(-45)))" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 79, "id": "cad5f6ef-8ab2-4ab4-be20-fa8d91902120", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "-0.7071067811865475" ] }, "execution_count": 79, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "np.sin(np.deg2rad(-45))" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 81, "id": "1bf01dfa-6a68-40a7-a05d-f619acd4cf62", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "0.7071067811865476" ] }, "execution_count": 81, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "np.cos(np.deg2rad(-45))" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 84, "id": "fdc349da-1b4f-4f9c-9c6b-7cbad49c94a1", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "1.0" ] }, "execution_count": 84, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "np.linalg.norm(np.array([0.7071067811865476,0.7071067811865476,0]))" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 85, "id": "508781e3-cfd5-4664-9f8f-4eef8ac4ac43", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "1.0" ] }, "execution_count": 85, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "np.linalg.norm(np.array([0.7071067811865476,0,0.7071067811865476]))" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 5, "id": "541ffb15-e5e3-4ef6-a6ba-c93ffb42e2c3", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "Dataset.file_meta -------------------------------\n", "(0002, 0000) File Meta Information Group Length UL: 198\n", "(0002, 0001) File Meta Information Version OB: b'\\x00\\x01'\n", "(0002, 0002) Media Storage SOP Class UID UI: RT Structure Set Storage\n", "(0002, 0003) Media Storage SOP Instance UID UI:\n", "(0002, 0010) Transfer Syntax UID UI: Explicit VR Little Endian\n", "(0002, 0012) Implementation Class UID UI:\n", "(0002, 0013) Implementation Version Name SH: 'OFFIS_DCMTK_363'\n", "-------------------------------------------------\n", "(0008, 0005) Specific Character Set CS: 'ISO_IR 100'\n", "(0008, 0012) Instance Creation Date DA: '20230309'\n", "(0008, 0013) Instance Creation Time TM: '155042'\n", "(0008, 0016) SOP Class UID UI: RT Structure Set Storage\n", "(0008, 0018) SOP Instance UID UI:\n", "(0008, 0020) Study Date DA: '20230209'\n", "(0008, 0021) Series Date DA: '20230309'\n", "(0008, 0030) Study Time TM: '193954.093000'\n", "(0008, 0031) Series Time TM: '155042'\n", "(0008, 0050) Accession Number SH: ''\n", "(0008, 0060) Modality CS: 'RTSTRUCT'\n", "(0008, 0070) Manufacturer LO: 'Varian Medical Systems'\n", "(0008, 0090) Referring Physician's Name PN: ''\n", "(0008, 1030) Study Description LO: 'Private^1_3_Long_Couch_HF (Adult)'\n", "(0008, 103e) Series Description LO: 'str_01'\n", "(0008, 1070) Operators' Name PN: ''\n", "(0008, 1090) Manufacturer's Model Name LO: 'Velocity'\n", "(0010, 0010) Patient's Name PN: 'Gpps^'\n", "(0010, 0020) Patient ID LO: 'P22381'\n", "(0010, 0030) Patient's Birth Date DA: '19680101'\n", "(0010, 0040) Patient's Sex CS: 'O'\n", "(0018, 1020) Software Versions LO: '4.1.4'\n", "(0020, 000d) Study Instance UID UI:\n", "(0020, 000e) Series Instance UID UI:\n", "(0020, 0010) Study ID SH: '3'\n", "(0020, 0011) Series Number IS: \"1\"\n", "(0020, 0052) Frame of Reference UID UI:\n", "(0020, 1040) Position Reference Indicator LO: ''\n", "(3006, 0002) Structure Set Label SH: 'str_01'\n", "(3006, 0004) Structure Set Name LO: 'str_01'\n", "(3006, 0008) Structure Set Date DA: '20230309'\n", "(3006, 0009) Structure Set Time TM: '155042'\n", "(3006, 0010) Referenced Frame of Reference Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0020, 0052) Frame of Reference UID UI:\n", " (3006, 0012) RT Referenced Study Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: Study Component Management SOP Class\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " (3006, 0014) RT Referenced Series Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0020, 000e) Series Instance UID UI:\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 476 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " ---------\n", " ---------\n", " ---------\n", "(3006, 0020) Structure Set ROI Sequence 2 item(s) ---- \n", " (3006, 0022) ROI Number IS: \"1\"\n", " (3006, 0024) Referenced Frame of Reference UID UI:\n", " (3006, 0026) ROI Name LO: 'External'\n", " (3006, 0028) ROI Description ST: 'External'\n", " (3006, 0036) ROI Generation Algorithm CS: 'AUTOMATIC'\n", " (3006, 0038) ROI Generation Description LO: ''\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0022) ROI Number IS: \"2\"\n", " (3006, 0024) Referenced Frame of Reference UID UI:\n", " (3006, 0026) ROI Name LO: 'PTV'\n", " (3006, 0028) ROI Description ST: 'PTV'\n", " (3006, 0036) ROI Generation Algorithm CS: 'MANUAL'\n", " (3006, 0038) ROI Generation Description LO: ''\n", " ---------\n", "(3006, 0039) ROI Contour Sequence 2 item(s) ---- \n", " (3006, 002a) ROI Display Color IS: [0, 170, 62]\n", " (3006, 0040) Contour Sequence 1477 item(s) ---- \n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"43\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 129 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"97\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 291 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"49\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 147 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"115\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 345 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"274\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 822 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-51.2695, -270.7031, -1220.0000, -51.7578, -271.1914, -1220.0000, -51.2695, -271.6797, -1220.0000, -50.7813, -271.1914, -1220.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-47.3633, -272.6563, -1220.0000, -47.8516, -273.1445, -1220.0000, -47.3633, -273.6328, -1220.0000, -46.8750, -273.1445, -1220.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"6\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 18 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-52.2461, -274.6094, -1220.0000, -52.7344, -275.0977, -1220.0000, -52.2461, -275.5859, -1220.0000, -51.7578, -275.0977, -1220.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-44.4336, -275.5859, -1220.0000, -44.9219, -276.0742, -1220.0000, -44.4336, -276.5625, -1220.0000, -43.9453, -276.0742, -1220.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-57.1289, -276.5625, -1220.0000, -57.6172, -277.0508, -1220.0000, -57.1289, -277.5391, -1220.0000, -56.6406, -277.0508, -1220.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-43.4570, -282.4219, -1220.0000, -43.9453, -282.9102, -1220.0000, -43.4570, -283.3984, -1220.0000, -42.9688, -282.9102, -1220.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-62.0117, -286.3281, -1220.0000, -62.5000, -286.8164, -1220.0000, -62.0117, -287.3047, -1220.0000, -61.5234, -286.8164, -1220.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"6\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 18 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-67.8711, -301.9531, -1220.0000, -68.3594, -302.4414, -1220.0000, -67.8711, -302.9297, -1220.0000, -67.3828, -302.4414, -1220.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-68.8477, -302.9297, -1220.0000, -69.3359, -303.4180, -1220.0000, -68.8477, -303.9063, -1220.0000, -68.3594, -303.4180, -1220.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-70.8008, -305.8594, -1220.0000, -71.2891, -306.3477, -1220.0000, -70.8008, -306.8359, -1220.0000, -70.3125, -306.3477, -1220.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"191\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 573 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"170\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 510 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"180\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 540 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"164\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 492 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"166\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 498 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"168\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 504 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"155\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 465 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"144\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 432 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"141\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 423 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"124\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 372 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"122\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 366 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"89\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 267 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"90\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 270 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"85\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 255 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"98\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 294 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"104\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 312 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"123\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 369 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"96\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 288 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"93\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 279 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"82\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 246 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"115\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 345 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"106\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 318 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"116\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 348 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"98\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 294 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"86\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 258 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"94\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 282 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"124\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 372 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"142\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 426 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"124\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 372 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"96\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 288 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"103\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 309 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"119\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 357 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"129\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 387 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"121\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 363 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"109\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 327 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"104\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 312 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"165\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 495 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"163\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 489 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"285\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 855 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [167.9688, -117.8711, -1181.0000, 168.4570, -117.3828, -1181.0000, 168.9453, -117.8711, -1181.0000, 168.4570, -118.3594, -1181.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"563\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1689 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"37\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 111 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [91.3086, -95.8984, -1180.0000, 90.8203, -96.3867, -1180.0000, 91.3086, -96.8750, -1180.0000, 91.7969, -96.3867, -1180.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [108.8867, -95.8984, -1180.0000, 108.3984, -96.3867, -1180.0000, 108.8867, -96.8750, -1180.0000, 109.3750, -96.3867, -1180.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [78.6133, -98.8281, -1180.0000, 78.1250, -99.3164, -1180.0000, 78.6133, -99.8047, -1180.0000, 79.1016, -99.3164, -1180.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"6\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 18 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"6\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 18 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"6\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 18 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [120.6055, -107.6172, -1180.0000, 120.1172, -108.1055, -1180.0000, 120.6055, -108.5938, -1180.0000, 121.0938, -108.1055, -1180.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [113.7695, -109.5703, -1180.0000, 113.2813, -110.0586, -1180.0000, 113.7695, -110.5469, -1180.0000, 114.2578, -110.0586, -1180.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"6\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 18 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [118.6523, -111.5234, -1180.0000, 118.1641, -112.0117, -1180.0000, 118.6523, -112.5000, -1180.0000, 119.1406, -112.0117, -1180.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"6\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 18 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [119.6289, -114.4531, -1180.0000, 119.1406, -114.9414, -1180.0000, 119.6289, -115.4297, -1180.0000, 120.1172, -114.9414, -1180.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-101.0742, -147.6563, -1180.0000, -101.5625, -148.1445, -1180.0000, -101.0742, -148.6328, -1180.0000, -100.5859, -148.1445, -1180.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-96.1914, -148.6328, -1180.0000, -96.6797, -149.1211, -1180.0000, -96.1914, -149.6094, -1180.0000, -95.7031, -149.1211, -1180.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-104.9805, -151.5625, -1180.0000, -105.4688, -152.0508, -1180.0000, -104.9805, -152.5391, -1180.0000, -104.4922, -152.0508, -1180.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-93.2617, -154.4922, -1180.0000, -93.7500, -154.9805, -1180.0000, -93.2617, -155.4688, -1180.0000, -92.7734, -154.9805, -1180.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"6\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 18 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"6\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 18 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-99.1211, -191.6016, -1180.0000, -99.6094, -192.0898, -1180.0000, -99.1211, -192.5781, -1180.0000, -98.6328, -192.0898, -1180.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"6\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 18 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"11\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 33 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-90.3320, -193.5547, -1180.0000, -90.8203, -194.0430, -1180.0000, -90.3320, -194.5313, -1180.0000, -89.8438, -194.0430, -1180.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"6\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 18 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-91.3086, -202.3438, -1180.0000, -91.7969, -202.8320, -1180.0000, -91.3086, -203.3203, -1180.0000, -90.8203, -202.8320, -1180.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"7\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 21 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"7\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 21 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"106\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 318 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"11\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 33 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"7\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 21 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-109.8633, -222.8516, -1180.0000, -110.3516, -223.3398, -1180.0000, -109.8633, -223.8281, -1180.0000, -109.3750, -223.3398, -1180.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-87.4023, -226.7578, -1180.0000, -87.8906, -227.2461, -1180.0000, -87.4023, -227.7344, -1180.0000, -86.9141, -227.2461, -1180.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"11\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 33 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"6\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 18 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-110.8398, -232.6172, -1180.0000, -111.3281, -233.1055, -1180.0000, -110.8398, -233.5938, -1180.0000, -110.3516, -233.1055, -1180.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-94.2383, -237.5000, -1180.0000, -94.7266, -237.9883, -1180.0000, -94.2383, -238.4766, -1180.0000, -93.7500, -237.9883, -1180.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-144.0430, -240.4297, -1180.0000, -144.5313, -240.9180, -1180.0000, -144.0430, -241.4063, -1180.0000, -143.5547, -240.9180, -1180.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"6\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 18 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"6\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 18 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"6\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 18 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-78.6133, -243.3594, -1180.0000, -79.1016, -243.8477, -1180.0000, -78.6133, -244.3359, -1180.0000, -78.1250, -243.8477, -1180.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"6\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 18 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"13\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 39 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"21\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 63 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"353\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1059 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"30\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 90 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"10\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 30 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"7\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 21 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"7\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 21 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"7\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 21 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-95.2148, -214.0625, -1179.0000, -95.7031, -214.5508, -1179.0000, -95.2148, -215.0391, -1179.0000, -94.7266, -214.5508, -1179.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"13\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 39 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"15\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 45 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"339\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1017 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"11\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 33 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"10\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 30 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"315\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 945 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"25\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 75 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"13\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 39 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-86.4258, -238.4766, -1177.0000, -86.9141, -238.9648, -1177.0000, -86.4258, -239.4531, -1177.0000, -85.9375, -238.9648, -1177.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"10\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 30 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"317\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 951 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"10\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 30 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"329\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 987 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"13\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 39 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"335\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1005 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"13\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 39 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"311\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 933 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"10\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 30 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"290\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 870 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"292\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 876 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"299\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 897 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"333\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 999 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"320\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 960 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"318\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 954 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"306\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 918 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"316\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 948 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"318\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 954 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"328\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 984 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"322\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 966 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"324\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 972 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"299\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 897 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"314\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 942 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"317\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 951 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"352\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1056 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"332\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 996 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"316\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 948 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"334\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1002 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"338\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1014 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"313\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 939 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"338\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1014 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"351\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1053 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"355\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1065 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"338\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1014 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"321\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 963 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"334\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1002 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"350\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1050 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"365\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1095 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"391\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1173 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"369\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1107 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"377\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1131 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"396\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1188 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"386\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1158 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"398\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1194 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"404\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1212 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"419\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1257 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"418\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1254 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"420\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1260 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"405\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1215 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"421\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1263 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"390\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1170 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"379\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1137 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"11\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 33 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"388\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1164 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"17\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 51 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"396\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1188 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"21\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 63 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"392\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1176 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"21\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 63 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"397\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1191 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"410\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1230 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"15\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 45 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"405\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1215 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"10\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 30 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"30\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 90 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"32\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 96 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"392\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1176 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"27\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 81 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"11\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 33 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"33\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 99 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"405\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1215 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"38\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 114 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"43\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 129 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"48\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 144 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"448\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1344 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"31\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 93 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"567\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1701 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"581\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1743 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"605\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1815 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"234\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 702 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"379\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1137 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"228\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 684 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"379\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1137 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"227\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 681 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"391\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1173 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"232\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 696 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"387\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1161 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"70\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 210 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"125\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 375 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"388\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1164 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"69\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 207 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"125\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 375 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"369\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1107 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"127\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 381 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"72\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 216 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"355\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1065 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"126\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 378 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"63\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 189 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"326\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 978 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"121\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 363 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"50\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 150 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"319\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 957 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"35\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 105 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"119\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 357 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"6\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 18 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"329\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 987 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"48\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 144 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"36\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 108 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"32\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 96 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"315\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 945 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"40\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 120 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"42\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 126 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"319\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 957 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"54\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 162 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"31\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 93 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"41\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 123 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"6\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 18 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"303\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 909 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"50\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 150 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"47\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 141 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"32\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 96 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"307\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 921 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"41\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 123 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"40\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 120 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"27\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 81 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"297\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 891 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"55\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 165 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"28\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 84 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"296\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 888 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"13\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 39 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"13\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 39 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"43\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 129 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"40\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 120 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"289\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 867 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"13\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 39 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"11\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 33 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"31\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 93 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"37\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 111 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"25\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 75 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"291\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 873 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"30\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 90 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"283\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 849 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"33\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 99 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"293\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 879 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"15\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 45 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"273\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 819 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"21\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 63 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"41\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 123 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"275\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 825 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"21\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 63 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"25\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 75 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"28\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 84 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"261\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 783 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"15\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 45 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"269\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 807 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"28\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 84 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"30\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 90 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"21\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 63 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"261\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 783 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"32\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 96 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"15\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 45 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"251\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 753 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"30\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 90 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"39\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 117 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"17\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 51 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"255\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 765 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"32\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 96 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"30\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 90 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"248\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 744 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"27\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 81 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"32\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 96 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"250\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 750 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"13\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 39 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"31\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 93 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"253\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 759 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"34\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 102 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"252\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 756 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"28\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 84 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"37\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 111 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"244\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 732 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"38\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 114 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"238\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 714 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"40\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 120 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"34\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 102 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"231\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 693 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"25\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 75 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"40\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 120 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"240\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 720 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"27\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 81 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"44\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 132 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"240\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 720 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"45\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 135 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"27\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 81 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"231\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 693 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"43\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 129 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"28\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 84 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"236\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 708 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"40\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 120 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"235\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 705 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"42\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 126 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"47\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 141 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"229\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 687 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"37\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 111 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"217\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 651 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"38\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 114 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"36\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 108 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"221\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 663 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"34\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 102 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"21\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 63 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"41\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 123 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"215\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 645 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"41\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 123 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"32\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 96 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"214\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 642 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"45\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 135 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"218\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 654 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"36\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 108 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"39\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 117 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"17\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 51 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"207\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 621 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"35\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 105 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"38\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 114 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"208\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 624 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"37\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 111 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"30\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 90 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"195\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 585 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"17\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 51 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"40\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 120 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"25\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 75 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"185\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 555 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"13\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 39 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"35\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 105 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"31\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 93 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"187\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 561 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"11\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 33 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"35\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 105 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"42\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 126 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"187\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 561 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"15\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 45 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"48\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 144 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"30\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 90 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"187\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 561 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"43\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 129 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"28\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 84 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"187\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 561 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"11\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 33 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"47\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 141 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"21\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 63 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"185\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 555 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"40\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 120 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"32\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 96 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"187\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 561 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"41\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 123 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"171\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 513 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"40\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 120 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"153\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 459 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"173\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 519 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"30\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 90 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"187\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 561 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"31\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 93 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"33\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 99 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"185\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 555 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"31\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 93 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"187\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 561 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"35\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 105 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"187\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 561 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"33\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 99 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"25\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 75 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"21\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 63 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"193\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 579 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"41\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 123 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"28\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 84 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"17\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 51 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"183\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 549 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"190\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 570 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"198\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 594 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"206\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 618 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"27\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 81 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"31\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 93 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"204\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 612 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"208\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 624 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"28\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 84 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"204\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 612 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"208\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 624 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"211\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 633 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"40\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 120 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"209\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 627 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"45\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 135 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"218\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 654 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"46\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 138 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"36\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 108 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"216\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 648 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"28\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 84 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"33\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 99 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"40\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 120 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"226\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 678 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"42\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 126 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"60\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 180 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"222\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 666 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"54\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 162 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"30\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 90 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"30\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 90 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"223\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 669 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"62\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 186 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"34\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 102 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"33\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 99 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"214\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 642 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"59\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 177 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"34\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 102 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"32\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 96 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"217\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 651 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"54\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 162 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"32\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 96 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"40\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 120 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"218\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 654 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"53\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 159 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"44\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 132 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"38\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 114 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"220\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 660 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"60\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 180 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"32\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 96 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"30\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 90 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"216\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 648 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"83\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 249 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"42\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 126 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"34\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 102 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"208\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 624 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"76\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 228 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"17\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 51 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"211\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 633 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"42\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 126 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"17\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 51 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"13\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 39 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"17\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 51 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"15\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 45 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"213\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 639 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"30\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 90 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"38\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 114 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"13\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 39 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"201\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 603 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"45\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 135 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"15\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 45 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"13\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 39 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"13\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 39 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"195\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 585 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"21\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 63 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"11\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 33 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"10\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 30 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"201\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 603 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"17\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 51 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"11\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 33 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"11\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 33 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"10\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 30 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"197\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 591 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"11\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 33 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"11\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 33 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"204\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 612 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"11\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 33 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"204\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 612 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"17\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 51 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"21\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 63 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"13\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 39 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"10\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 30 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"11\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 33 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"197\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 591 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"28\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 84 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"21\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 63 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"13\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 39 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"15\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 45 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"13\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 39 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"201\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 603 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"25\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 75 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"11\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 33 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"15\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 45 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"11\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 33 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"10\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 30 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"11\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 33 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"185\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 555 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"28\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 84 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"27\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 81 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"10\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 30 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"191\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 573 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"58\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 174 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"43\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 129 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"25\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 75 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"200\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 600 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"44\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 132 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"39\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 117 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"37\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 111 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"200\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 600 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"67\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 201 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"44\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 132 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"38\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 114 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"34\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 102 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"203\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 609 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"61\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 183 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"53\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 159 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"40\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 120 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"34\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 102 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"44\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 132 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"203\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 609 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"60\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 180 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"45\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 135 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"40\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 120 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"44\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 132 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"197\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 591 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"49\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 147 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"61\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 183 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"45\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 135 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"40\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 120 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"30\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 90 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"197\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 591 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"39\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 117 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"65\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 195 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"43\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 129 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"38\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 114 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"33\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 99 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"210\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 630 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"35\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 105 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"36\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 108 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"55\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 165 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"45\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 135 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"37\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 111 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"204\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 612 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"35\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 105 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"43\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 129 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"48\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 144 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"42\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 126 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"36\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 108 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"206\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 618 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"34\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 102 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"46\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 138 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"40\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 120 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"28\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 84 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"207\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 621 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"31\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 93 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"40\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 120 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"40\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 120 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"210\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 630 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"51\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 153 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"34\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 102 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"196\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 588 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"51\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 153 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"44\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 132 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"28\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 84 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"210\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 630 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"17\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 51 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"34\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 102 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"36\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 108 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"34\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 102 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"215\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 645 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"49\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 147 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"32\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 96 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"207\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 621 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"25\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 75 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"28\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 84 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"34\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 102 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"207\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 621 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"27\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 81 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"28\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 84 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"210\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 630 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"25\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 75 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"21\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 63 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"21\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 63 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"218\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 654 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"27\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 81 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"214\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 642 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"17\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 51 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"33\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 99 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"217\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 651 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"17\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 51 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"209\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 627 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"21\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 63 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"25\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 75 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"17\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 51 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"51\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 153 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"225\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 675 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"17\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 51 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"13\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 39 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"43\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 129 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"227\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 681 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"21\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 63 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"221\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 663 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"28\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 84 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"227\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 681 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"32\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 96 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"28\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 84 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"25\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 75 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"243\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 729 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"33\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 99 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"233\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 699 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"17\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 51 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"31\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 93 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"15\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 45 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"31\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 93 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"243\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 729 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"21\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 63 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"257\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 771 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"34\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 102 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"241\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 723 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"34\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 102 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"21\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 63 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"256\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 768 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"27\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 81 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"43\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 129 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"272\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 816 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"259\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 777 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"31\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 93 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"32\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 96 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"277\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 831 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"21\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 63 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"270\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 810 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"36\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 108 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"31\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 93 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"284\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 852 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"44\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 132 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"27\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 81 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"31\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 93 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"286\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 858 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"17\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 51 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"44\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 132 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"17\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 51 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"271\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 813 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"27\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 81 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"285\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 855 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"25\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 75 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"21\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 63 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"41\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 123 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"288\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 864 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"31\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 93 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"34\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 102 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"300\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 900 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"21\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 63 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"312\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 936 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"30\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 90 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"316\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 948 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"30\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 90 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"324\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 972 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"28\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 84 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"330\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 990 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"36\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 108 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"27\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 81 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"323\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 969 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"31\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 93 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"27\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 81 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"325\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 975 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"30\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 90 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"28\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 84 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"27\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 81 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"25\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 75 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"325\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 975 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"35\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 105 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"30\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 90 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"39\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 117 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"330\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 990 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"30\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 90 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"31\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 93 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"28\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 84 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"35\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 105 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"341\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1023 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"36\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 108 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"39\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 117 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"333\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 999 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"44\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 132 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"27\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 81 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"32\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 96 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"39\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 117 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"348\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1044 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"31\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 93 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"33\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 99 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"38\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 114 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"30\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 90 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"336\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1008 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"42\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 126 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"34\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 102 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"46\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 138 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"31\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 93 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"334\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1002 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"63\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 189 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"67\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 201 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"41\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 123 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"28\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 84 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"339\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1017 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"93\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 279 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"47\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 141 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"25\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 75 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"344\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1032 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"442\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1326 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"28\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 84 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"445\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1335 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"32\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 96 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"36\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 108 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"402\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1206 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"58\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 174 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"30\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 90 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"447\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1341 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"46\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 138 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"31\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 93 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"451\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1353 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"66\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 198 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"41\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 123 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"25\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 75 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"413\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1239 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"65\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 195 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"34\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 102 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"32\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 96 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"389\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1167 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"56\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 168 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"32\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 96 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"31\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 93 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"423\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1269 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"49\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 147 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"37\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 111 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"413\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1239 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"89\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 267 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"402\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1206 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"111\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 333 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"53\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 159 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"502\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1506 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"60\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 180 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"450\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1350 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"436\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1308 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"445\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1335 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"411\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1233 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"400\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1200 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"387\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1161 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"389\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1167 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"365\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1095 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"390\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1170 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"396\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1188 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"437\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1311 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"435\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1305 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"27\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 81 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"438\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1314 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"454\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1362 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"11\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 33 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"458\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1374 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"15\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 45 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"444\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1332 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"10\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 30 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"443\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1329 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"442\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1326 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"437\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1311 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"453\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1359 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"441\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1323 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"442\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1326 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"37\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 111 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"389\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1167 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"35\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 105 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"348\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1044 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"43\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 129 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"334\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1002 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"17\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 51 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"323\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 969 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"10\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 30 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"315\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 945 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"15\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 45 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"316\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 948 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"15\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 45 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"310\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 930 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"21\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 63 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"31\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 93 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"25\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 75 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"292\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 876 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"21\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 63 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"308\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 924 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"17\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 51 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"297\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 891 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"15\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 45 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"305\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 915 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"17\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 51 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"316\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 948 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"46\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 138 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"389\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1167 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"27\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 81 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"391\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1173 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"384\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1152 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"374\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1122 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"366\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1098 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"383\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1149 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"382\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1146 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"378\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1134 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"389\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1167 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"390\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1170 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"363\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1089 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"328\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 984 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"307\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 921 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"301\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 903 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"319\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 957 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"300\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 900 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"305\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 915 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"296\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 888 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"325\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 975 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"314\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 942 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"296\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 888 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"290\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 870 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"296\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 888 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"298\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 894 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"322\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 966 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"290\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 870 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"302\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 906 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"291\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 873 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"304\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 912 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"310\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 930 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"351\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1053 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"328\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 984 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"299\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 897 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"306\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 918 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"321\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 963 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"323\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 969 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"345\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1035 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"337\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1011 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"327\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 981 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"321\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 963 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"335\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1005 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"355\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1065 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"350\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1050 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"397\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1191 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"370\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1110 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"356\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1068 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"367\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1101 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"354\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1062 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"375\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1125 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"361\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1083 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"378\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1134 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"355\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1065 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"361\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1083 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"373\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1119 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"333\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 999 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"360\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1080 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"364\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1092 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"342\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1026 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"344\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1032 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"324\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 972 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"352\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1056 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"356\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1068 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"356\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1068 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"350\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1050 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"339\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1017 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"321\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 963 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"341\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1023 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"330\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 990 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"332\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 996 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"323\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 969 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"341\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1023 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"336\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1008 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"304\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 912 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"333\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 999 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"314\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 942 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"287\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 861 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"337\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1011 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"313\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 939 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"27\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 81 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"349\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1047 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"39\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 117 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"369\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1107 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"47\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 141 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"383\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 1149 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"6\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 18 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"321\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 963 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"311\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 933 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"313\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 939 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"294\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 882 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"253\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 759 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"235\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 705 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"233\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 699 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"212\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 636 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"188\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 564 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"15\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 45 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"150\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 450 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"25\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 75 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"17\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 51 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"13\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 39 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"160\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 480 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"15\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 45 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"154\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 462 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"15\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 45 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"156\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 468 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"160\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 480 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"141\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 423 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"27\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 81 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"156\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 468 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"161\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 483 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"15\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 45 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"157\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 471 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"179\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 537 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"44\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 132 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"222\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 666 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"22\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 66 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"258\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 774 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"247\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 741 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"254\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 762 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"255\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 765 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"256\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 768 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"245\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 735 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"259\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 777 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"259\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 777 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"227\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 681 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"190\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 570 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"180\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 540 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"167\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 501 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"148\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 444 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"151\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 453 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"150\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 450 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"176\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 528 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"168\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 504 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"198\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 594 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"192\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 576 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"203\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 609 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"100\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 300 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"79\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 237 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"101\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 303 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"69\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 207 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"137\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 411 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"79\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 237 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"129\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 387 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"67\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 201 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"89\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 267 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"61\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 183 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"82\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 246 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"53\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 159 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"6\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 18 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"98\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 294 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"41\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 123 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"89\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 267 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"45\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 135 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"64\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 192 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"25\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 75 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"55\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 165 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"10\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 30 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"62\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 186 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"96\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 288 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"88\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 264 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"72\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 216 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"61\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 183 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"62\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 186 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"67\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 201 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"69\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 207 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"76\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 228 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"52\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 156 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"55\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 165 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"61\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 183 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"180\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 540 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"11\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 33 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-86.9141, -81.7383, -777.0000, -86.4258, -81.2500, -777.0000, -85.9375, -81.7383, -777.0000, -86.4258, -82.2266, -777.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"6\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 18 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"6\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 18 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"6\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 18 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [-5.8594, -84.6680, -777.0000, -5.3711, -84.1797, -777.0000, -4.8828, -84.6680, -777.0000, -5.3711, -85.1563, -777.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"6\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 18 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"13\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 39 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"13\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 39 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"74\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 222 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"10\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 30 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"6\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 18 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"10\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 30 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"41\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 123 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"30\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 90 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"30\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 90 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"20\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 60 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"27\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 81 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"18\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 54 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"10\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 30 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"10\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 30 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"23\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 69 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"44\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 132 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"24\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 72 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"44\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 132 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"10\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 30 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"7\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 21 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"14\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 42 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"11\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 33 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"37\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 111 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"8\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 24 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"12\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 36 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"9\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 27 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"6\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 18 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"4\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: [116.2109, -75.8789, -766.0000, 116.6992, -75.3906, -766.0000, 117.1875, -75.8789, -766.0000, 116.6992, -76.3672, -766.0000]\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"52\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 156 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"66\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 198 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"63\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 189 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"57\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 171 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"63\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 189 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"39\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 117 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"46\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 138 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"75\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 225 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"67\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 201 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"42\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 126 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"43\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 129 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"47\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 141 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"37\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 111 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"26\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 78 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0084) Referenced ROI Number IS: \"1\"\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 002a) ROI Display Color IS: [0, 0, 255]\n", " (3006, 0040) Contour Sequence 20 item(s) ---- \n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"16\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 48 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"10\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 30 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"17\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 51 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"25\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 75 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"21\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 63 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"27\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 81 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"25\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 75 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"19\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 57 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"31\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 93 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"33\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 99 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"33\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 99 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"25\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 75 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"29\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 87 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"21\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 63 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0016) Contour Image Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: CT Image Storage\n", " (0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0042) Contour Geometric Type CS: 'CLOSED_PLANAR'\n", " (3006, 0046) Number of Contour Points IS: \"10\"\n", " (3006, 0050) Contour Data DS: Array of 30 elements\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0084) Referenced ROI Number IS: \"2\"\n", " ---------\n", "(3006, 0080) RT ROI Observations Sequence 2 item(s) ---- \n", " (3006, 0082) Observation Number IS: \"1\"\n", " (3006, 0084) Referenced ROI Number IS: \"1\"\n", " (3006, 0085) ROI Observation Label SH: 'External'\n", " (3006, 0086) RT ROI Identification Code Sequence 1 item(s) ---- \n", " (0008, 0100) Code Value SH: '256135'\n", " (0008, 0102) Coding Scheme Designator SH: 'FMA'\n", " (0008, 0103) Coding Scheme Version SH: '3.1'\n", " (0008, 0104) Code Meaning LO: 'External contour of the human body'\n", " (0008, 0105) Mapping Resource CS: '99VMS'\n", " (0008, 0106) Context Group Version DT: '20161209'\n", " (0008, 010f) Context Identifier CS: 'VMS011'\n", " (0008, 0117) Context UID UI:\n", " (0008, 0118) Mapping Resource UID UI:\n", " (0008, 0122) Mapping Resource Name LO: 'Varian Medical Systems'\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 00a4) RT ROI Interpreted Type CS: 'EXTERNAL'\n", " (3006, 00a6) ROI Interpreter PN: ''\n", " ---------\n", " (3006, 0082) Observation Number IS: \"2\"\n", " (3006, 0084) Referenced ROI Number IS: \"2\"\n", " (3006, 0085) ROI Observation Label SH: 'PTV'\n", " (3006, 00a4) RT ROI Interpreted Type CS: 'PTV'\n", " (3006, 00a6) ROI Interpreter PN: ''\n", " ---------\n", "(300e, 0002) Approval Status CS: 'UNAPPROVED'\n", "(8053, 0010) Private Creator LO: 'Reserve tags (8053, 1000-10FF) for Varian Medical Systems'" ] }, "execution_count": 5, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "myStr = pydicom.dcmread('struct_set_2023-03-09_15-53-50.dcm')\n", "myStr" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "id": "773973d3-6637-49f0-9a2c-d490293f09ac", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.8.12" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 5 }