Hoehenring 7 |
++41(01)3001804 |
CH-8052 Zürich |
Birth |
Oktober 8, 1954 in Clausthal-Zellerfeld |
Marital Status |
divorced |
Children |
Son Oliver Kress |
04.88 - today |
ETH Zurich, Institute for Mechanical Systems, Centre of Structure Technologies, senior scientist, research and lecturing on FEM, Mechanics of Composites, and Structural and Design Optimization. Heading group of Computational Structural Mechanics. |
09.84 - 03.88 |
DORNIER SYSTEM GmbH, structural analyst, static und dynamic analyses of load-carrying structures (ARIANE V), kinematical analyses of satellite-separation processes, Software development for laminate analysis (LAMA), methods development for design and sizing of laminates |
07.83 - 08.84 |
German Aerospace Research Establishment (DFVLR) in Braunschweig, Institute for Struktural Mechanics, junior scientist, models for interlaminar strength problems in laminates made from fiber reinforced plastics. |
08.93 |
Dr.-Ing., Technical University Braunschweig |
09.81 - 6.83 |
Master of Science in Mechanics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, Engineering College, Engineering Science and Mechanics Department |
10.76 - 8.81 |
Mechanical Engineering, majored engineering mechanics, Technical University Braunschweig, 9.78 interim diploma |
08.69 - 5.74 |
Grotefendt-Gymnasium in Hannoversch Münden, Abitur |
04.65 - 6.69 |
Herzog-Ernst-Schule in Uelzen |
01.94 - 06.94 |
University of Cincinnati, College of Engineering, Department Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Sabbatical mit Prof. Dr. A. H. Nayfeh |
German |
mother tongue |
English |
fluent |