Huayi Duan
I am a senior researcher (Oberassistent) and lecturer at ETH Zürich, where I have been part of the NetSec Group led by Prof. Adrian Perrig since mid 2021. I received my PhD (Supervisor: Prof. Cong Wang) in 2020 and BSc (Honors, First Class) in 2015, both from City University of Hong Kong.
My research currently revolves around the Domain Name System (DNS), a cornerstone of the Internet, along three interacting tracks: (1) analyzing and mitigating fundamental DoS vulnerabilities in DNS, (2) developing formal methods to rigorously reason about DNS protocols and implementations, and (3) designing a next-generation secure naming system for both today's and future Internet. I'm leading these projects as the PI or Co-PI of several research grants with a team of students and researchers.
I have explored, and am still interested in, various topics in applied crypto, trustworthy and confidential computing, and decentralized technologies.
List of my publications
- Aug 2024: DCC accepted to SOSP'24
- Jul 2024: One project funded by Hasler Stiftung
- Mar 2024: CAMP accepted to USENIX Security'24
- Jul 2023: One project funded by SNSF
- Jun 2023: DNS formalization work accepted to SIGCOMM'23
- Mar 2023: RHINE accepted to NSDI'23
Student Supervision
I enjoy working with students while guiding them through the uncertainties and excitements in research. Please drop me a line if you are interested in working with me.
PhD students
Jihye Kim, Liwen Xu
MS theses
- Marko Lisicic: TBD. Expected September 2024.
- Lazar Leonardo: Towards Full-fledged RHINE. Expected September 2024.
- Basil Ottinger: TBD. May 2024. Awarded Cyber-Defence Campus (CYD) Master Thesis Fellowship. Co-advised with: Bernhard Tellenbach.
- Cagin Tanir: TBD. April 2024.
- Jodok Vieli: A Systematic Study of DNS Amplification Potential. April 2023. Awarded Cyber-Defence Campus (CYD) Master Thesis Fellowship. Co-advised with: Bernhard Tellenbach.
- Rubén Fischer: Prototype Implementation and Evaluation of The RHINE Naming System. February 2023.
- Marco Bearzi: Understanding QMIN-enabled DNS Amplification. January 2023. Co-advised with: Si Liu, Bernhard Tellenbach.
- Yongzhe Xu: LF-PKI: Practical, Secure, and High-Performance Design and Implementation of a Lite Flexible PKI. September 2022. Co-advised with: Juan A. García-Pardo, Cyrill Krähenbühl.
- Lukas Heimes: A Formal Framework for End-to-End DNS Resolution. July 2022. Awarded ETH Medal. Co-advised with: Si Liu.
- Karim Kabbani: Fingerprinting Encrypted DNS: Improved Attack and Mitigation. July 2022.
- Robin Burkhard: Enabling End-to-End Authentication for Internet Naming Systems. January 2022.
BS theses
- Aurel Sostizzo: TBD. August 2024.
- Marco Pioppini: Enhancing DNS over QUIC: A DRKey-based Approach. September 2022. Co-advised with: Juan A. García-Pardo.
- Luca Maier: Revisiting Authenticated Denial of Existence for Internet Naming Systems. September 2022.
- Jie Lou: Implementing End-to-end Authenticated Name Resolution. September 2022.
Semester projects
- Josua Stuck: A Peek into Trusted Web Browsing. May 2024.
- Lazar Leonardo: DNStorm: A Versatile Testbed for DDoSing DNS. October 2023.
- Stöger Felix: Understanding centralization risks in Web3. April 2023.
- Raoul Gerber: Onion Routing for Domain Name Resolution within Path-Aware FIA. Jan 2023.
- Lecturer: Computer Networks (252-0064-00L), Spring Semester 2024, ETH Zürich
- Lecturer: Computer Networks (252-0064-00L), Spring Semester 2023, ETH Zürich