Matti Zbinden
PhD Student
Jonasz Słomka
LaTeX: Jonasz S\l{}omka
ETH Zürich Institute of Environmental Engineering Laura-Hezner-Weg 7, HIF D22.1 8093 Zürich Switzerland email: jslomka "at"
I am a junior group leader (SNF Ambizione Fellow) at the Institute of Environmental Engineering at ETH Zürich. Previously, I was a post-doctoral fellow at ETH Zürich with Roman Stocker, and before that, I completed my PhD in Physical Applied Mathematics at MIT with Jörn Dunkel.
We are interested in BioEncounters - encounters between microorganisms in space and time. By combining experimental, computational and mathematical approaches, we aim to quantify how BioEncounters mediate microbial interactions.
Short bio (click here for my full CV):
- since 2021, Junior Group Leader (SNF Ambizione Fellow), ETH Zürich, Switzerland
- 2018 - 2021, ETH Postdoctoral Fellow, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
- 2013 - 2018, PhD in Physical Applied Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
- 2012 - 2013, Master of Advanced Study in Mathematics (Part III), University of Cambridge, UK
- 2008 - 2012, Master of Physics, University of Oxford, UK
Chemotactic encounters between bacteria and phytoplankton
Keywords: chemotaxis, encounter rates, bacteria-phytoplankton ineteractions

Microscale interactions between bacteria and phytoplankton impact nutrient cycling in the ocean. Chemotaxis can aid bacteria in navigating the gradients of chemicals exuded by phyoplankton cells, yet these gradients can often be noisy, and the type of noise experienced by chemotactic bacteria depends on the size of the phytoplankton cell. Combining the size dependence of the limits of chemotactic detection and cell–cell encounters, we show that bacteria searching for phytoplankton can benefit the most from chemotaxis toward small rather than large cells. We also find that fast swimming boosts chemotactic encounters with large phytoplankton, whereas slow swimming boosts chemotactic encounters with small phytoplankton. This size-dependent asymmetry of chemotactic performance may promote a diversity of search phenotypes in marine bacteria.
- Slower swimming promotes chemotactic encounters between bacteria and small phytoplankton R. Foffi, D. R. Brumley, F. Peaudecerf, R. Stocker, J. Słomka Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 122: e2411074122, 2025
Controlled motility in the cyanobacterium Trichodesmium
Keywords: Trichodesmium, aggregation, gliding motility

The ocean’s nitrogen is largely fixed by cyanobacteria, including Trichodesmium, which forms aggregates comprising hundreds of filaments arranged in organized architectures. Aggregates often form upon exposure to stress and have ecological and biophysical characteristics that differ from those of single filaments. We found that Trichodesmium aggregates can rapidly modulate their shape, responding within minutes to changes in environmental conditions. Combining video microscopy and mathematical modeling, we discovered that this reorganization is mediated by “smart reversals” wherein gliding filaments reverse when their overlap with other filaments diminishes. By regulating smart reversals, filaments control aggregate architecture without central coordination. We propose that the modulation of gliding motility at the single-filament level is a determinant of Trichodesmium’s aggregation behavior and ultimately of its biogeochemical role in the ocean.
- Controlled motility in the cyanobacterium Trichodesmium regulates aggregate architecture U. Pfreundt*, J. Słomka*, G. Schneider, A. Sengupta, F. Carrara, V. Fernandez, M. Ackermann and R. Stocker Science, 380: 830-835, 2023
Marine snow formation by elongated phytoplankton
Keywords: biological pump, marine snow, encounter rates between sinking rods, collision kernels, turbulence
Marine microorganisms control the global biogeochemistry of the oceans through interactions between individual cells, as prominently exemplified by marine snow formation by elongated phytoplankton following a phytoplankton bloom. Current models of marine snow formation represent cells as spheres, yet phytoplankton cells are often highly elongated with typical aspect ratios of five and greater. To study the effect of elongation on marine snow formation, we recently derived the collision kernels between identical and dissimilar rods settling in a quiescent fluid and showed that marine snow formation by elongated phytoplankton can proceed efficiently even under quiescent conditions and that the resulting coagulation dynamics can lead to periodic bursts in the concentration of marine snow particles. More recently, in collaboration with Wilczek group, we included the effects of turbulent mixing on encounters and found that encounter rates between the most elongated cells are up to 10-fold higher than between spherical cells. We predict that these enhanced encounter rates accelerate marine snow formation and thus offer a mechanistic explanation for the rapid clearance of blooms.
- Elongation enhances encounter rates between phytoplankton in turbulence J.-A. Arguedas-Leiva*, J. Słomka*, C. C. Lalescu, R. Stocker and M. Wilczek Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 119: e2203191119, 2022
- Bursts characterize coagulation of rods in a quiescent fluid J. Słomka and R. Stocker Phys. Rev. Lett. , 124: 258001, 2020
- On the collision of rods in a quiescent fluid J. Słomka and R. Stocker Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. , 117: 3372-3374, 2020
Encounter rates between bacteria and sinking particles
Keywords: microbial ecology, marine snow, encounter rates, hydrodynamic focusing and screening, microswimmers in flow

The ecological interaction between bacteria and sinking particles, such as bacterial degradation of marine snow particles, is regulated by their encounters. We analytically and numerically quantified the encounter rate between sinking particles and non-motile or motile micro-organisms in the ballistic regime, explicitly accounting for the hydrodynamic shear created by the particle and its coupling with micro-organism shape. We complemented results with selected experiments on non-motile diatoms. Our results indicate that shear, which leads to hydrodynamic focusing and screening in the bacterium-particle system, should be taken into account to predict the interactions between bacteria and sinking particles responsible for the large carbon flux in the ocean's biological pump.
- Encounter rates between bacteria and small sinking particles J. Słomka, U. Alcolombri, E. Secchi, R. Stocker and V. I. Fernandez New J. Phys. , 22: 043016, 2020
Spontaneous mirror symmetry breaking in 3D active fluids
Keywords: active fluids, active turbulence, helicity, inverse energy cascade, triadic interactions
Turbulence provides an important mechanism for energy redistribution and mixing in interstellar gases, planetary atmospheres, and the oceans. Classical turbulence theory suggests for ordinary 3D fluids or gases, such as water or air, that larger vortices can transform into smaller ones but not vice versa, thus limiting energy transfer from smaller to larger scales. Our calculations predict that bacterial suspensions and other pattern-forming active fluids can deviate from this paradigm by creating turbulent flow structures that spontaneously break mirror symmetry. These results imply that the collective dynamics of swimming microorganisms can enhance fluid mixing more strongly than previously thought.
- The nature of triad interactions in active turbulence J. Słomka, P. Suwara and J. Dunkel J. Fluid Mech. , 841: 701–731, 2018
- Spontaneous mirror-symmetry breaking induces inverse energy cascade in 3D active fluids J. Słomka and J. Dunkel Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. , 114: 2119-2124, 2017
Anomalous chained turbulence in actively driven flows on spheres
Keywords: active fluids, active turbulence, anomalous upward energy transfer in 2D turbulence
Recent experiments demonstrate the importance of substrate curvature for actively forced fluid dynamics. Yet, the covariant formulation and analysis of continuum models for nonequilibrium flows on curved surfaces still poses theoretical challenges. Here, we introduced and studied a generalized covariant Navier-Stokes model for fluid flows driven by active stresses in nonplanar geometries. The analytical tractability of the theory was demonstrated through exact stationary solutions for the case of a spherical bubble geometry. Direct numerical simulations revealed a curvature-induced transition from a burst phase to an anomalous turbulent phase that differs distinctly from externally forced classical 2D Kolmogorov turbulence. The coherent motion of the vortex chain network provides an efficient mechanism for upward energy transfer from smaller to larger scales, presenting an alternative to the conventional energy cascade in classical 2D turbulence.
- Anomalous chained turbulence in actively driven flows on spheres O. Mickelin*, J. Słomka*, K. J. Burns, D. Lecoanet, G. M. Vasil, L. M. Faria and J. Dunkel Phys. Rev. Lett. , 120: 164503, 2018
Reduction of viscosity and inertia in active fluids
Keywords: active fluids, active fluid-structure interactions, viscosity reduction, Stokes' second problem
We investigated flow pattern formation and viscosity reduction mechanisms in active fluids by studying a generalized Navier-Stokes model that captures the experimentally observed bulk vortex dynamics in microbial suspensions. We presented exact analytical solutions including stress-free vortex lattices and introduced a computational framework that allows the efficient treatment of higher-order shear boundary conditions. Large-scale parameter scans identified the conditions for spontaneous flow symmetry breaking, geometry-dependent viscosity reduction, negative-viscosity states amenable to energy harvesting in confined suspensions and reduction of inertia in active fluids coupled to external pendulum. The theory uses only generic assumptions about the symmetries and long-wavelength structure of active stress tensors, suggesting that inviscid phases and reduction of inertia may be achievable in a broad class of nonequilibrium fluids by tuning confinement geometry and pattern scale selection.
- Stokes’ second problem and reduction of inertia in active fluids J. Słomka, A. Townsend and J. Dunkel Phys. Rev. Fluids , 3: 103304, 2018
- Geometry-dependent viscosity reduction in sheared active fluids J. Słomka and J. Dunkel Phys. Rev. Fluids , 2: 043102, 2017
- Slower swimming promotes chemotactic encounters between bacteria and small phytoplankton R. Foffi, D. R. Brumley, F. Peaudecerf, R. Stocker, J. Słomka Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 122: e2411074122, 2025
- Vortex line entanglement in active Beltrami flows N. Romeo, J. Słomka, J. Dunkel and K. J. Burns J. Fluid Mech., 982: A12, 2024
- Controlled motility in the cyanobacterium Trichodesmium regulates aggregate architecture U. Pfreundt*, J. Słomka*, G. Schneider, A. Sengupta, F. Carrara, V. Fernandez, M. Ackermann and R. Stocker Science, 380: 830-835, 2023
- Encounter rates prime interactions between microorganisms J. Słomka, U. Alcolombri, F. Carrara, R. Foffi, F. J. Peaudecerf, M. Zbinden and R. Stocker Interface Focus, 13: 20220059, 2023
- Elongation enhances encounter rates between phytoplankton in turbulence J.-A. Arguedas-Leiva*, J. Słomka*, C. C. Lalescu, R. Stocker and M. Wilczek Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 119: e2203191119, 2022
- A microfluidic platform for characterizing the structure and rheology of biofilm streamers G. Savorana, J. Słomka, R. Stocker, R. Rusconi and E. Secchi Soft Matter, 18: 3878-3890, 2022
- ARC: An Open Web-Platform for Request/Supply Matching for a Prioritized and Controlled COVID-19 Response J.-D. Courcol, et al. Front. Public Health, 9: 607677, 2021
- Bursts characterize coagulation of rods in a quiescent fluid J. Słomka and R. Stocker Phys. Rev. Lett., 124: 258001, 2020
- Encounter rates between bacteria and small sinking particles J. Słomka, U. Alcolombri, E. Secchi, R. Stocker and V. I. Fernandez New J. Phys., 22: 043016, 2020
- On the collision of rods in a quiescent fluid J. Słomka and R. Stocker Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 117: 3372-3374, 2020
- Stokes’ second problem and reduction of inertia in active fluids J. Słomka, A. Townsend and J. Dunkel Phys. Rev. Fluids, 3: 103304, 2018
- The nature of triad interactions in active turbulence J. Słomka, P. Suwara and J. Dunkel J. Fluid Mech., 841: 701–731, 2018
- Anomalous chained turbulence in actively driven flows on spheres O. Mickelin*, J. Słomka*, K. J. Burns, D. Lecoanet, G. M. Vasil, L. M. Faria and J. Dunkel Phys. Rev. Lett., 120: 164503, 2018
- Spontaneous mirror-symmetry breaking induces inverse energy cascade in 3D active fluids J. Słomka and J. Dunkel Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 114: 2119-2124, 2017
- Geometry-dependent viscosity reduction in sheared active fluids J. Słomka and J. Dunkel Phys. Rev. Fluids, 2: 043102, 2017
- Generalized Navier-Stokes equations for active suspensions J. Słomka and J. Dunkel Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top., 224: 1349-1358, 2015