Algorithms & Probability - Spring 2024

Algorithms & Probability - Spring 2024

General Information

Exercise Session is held on Thursday 16:15-18:00 at LFW E13 (G-13).

You can contact me by mail or on Discord @Nicolas[AnW].

The current version of the summary can be found here

Weekly Notes

01Grundbegriffe, Zusammenhang, Eulertour/HamiltonkreisAnW24_week01.pdf
02Satz von Dirac, Hamilton DP, TSP, MatchingsAnW24_week02.pdf
03Satz von Hall, Augmentierende Pfade, TSP, FärbungAnW24_week03.pdf
04Hopcroft & Karp, Färbung, Einführung WahrscheinlichkeitAnW24_week04.pdf
05Bedingte Wahrscheinlichkeit, Unabhängigkeit, ZufallsvariablenAnW24_week05.pdf
06Erwartungswert, Verteilungen, Probability DPAnW24_week06.pdf
07Bedingte ZV, Varianz, AbschätzungenAnW24_week07.pdf
08Randomisierte Algorithmen, Target Shooting, PrimzahltestAnW24_week08.pdf
09Smallest Enclosing Circle, Long PathsAnW24_week09.pdf
10Convex Hull, Jarvis Wrap, Local RepairAnW24_week10.pdf
11No lesson, Ascension-
12Flows, Applications of FlowsAnW24_week12.pdf
13Randomized MinCutAnW24_week13.pdf
14Exam Prep, Big KahootAnW24_week14.pdf

Additional Material

See Julian’s terminology sheet for a helpful overview of keywords.

See this compilation of biweekly kahoot questions I prepared with some TA’s last year.

See this final kahoot used in the last exercise session. You can find the solutions with explanations here.

You can find the Java source file of an implementation of the Hamilton DP here (from my TA Oliver). This should be low on your priority list for exam prep.