
Welcome to my personal website! Go around and explore the links. If you are a fellow student at ETH Zurich you may not know it, but you also have a personal website! You can find the instructions for it here!


1. Semester

Algorithms and Data Structures

Discrete Mathematics

Introduction to Programming

Linear Algebra

2. Semester

Algorithms and Probability

Parallel Programming

Digital Design and Computer Architecture

3. Semester

Analysis II

Numerical Methods for Computer Science

Systems Programming and Computer Architecture

Theoretical Computer Science

4. Semester

Formal Methods and Functional Programming

Data Modelling and Databases

Computer Networks

Introduction to Machine Learning

Presenting Theoretical Computer Scienced

Complex Analysis

Probability and Statistics

5. Semester

Algorithms, Probability and Computing

Compiler Design

Quantum Physics for Non-Physicists

Advanced English for Academic Purposes

6. Semester

Algebra (MAST30005)

Graph Theory (MAST30011)

Computer Systems (COMP30023)

Modelling Complex Software Systems (SWEN90004)

PProg FS24
