
Since March 2019, I am a PhD candidate at Systems Group, ETH Zurich under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Gustavo Alonso. My research interest lies in advancing data processing systems within data centers, with a primary research focus on the convergence of heterogeneous hardware, distributed computing, and data center networking. My work involves crafting networking abstractions—such as TCP, RDMA, and MPI—specifically tailored for hardware accelerators to prototype future systems with smart-NICs and in-network processors. Additionally, I enjoy the development of system infrastructures that efficiently orchestrate heterogeneous clusters, ensuring optimal performance for large-scale applications, particularly in the realm of machine learning.


[OSDI'24] ACCL+: an FPGA-Based Collective Engine for Distributed Applications
Zhenhao He, Dario Korolija, Yu Zhu, Benjamin Ramhorst, Tristan Laan, Lucian Petrica, Michaela Blott, Gustavo Alonso
18th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, Jul 2024

[TNNLS'23] Staleness-Reduction Mini-Batch K-Means
Xueying Zhu, Jie Sun, Zhenhao He, Jiantong Jiang, Zeke Wang
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Jun 2023

[ASPLOS'22] Enzian: an open, general, CPU/FPGA platform for OS research
David Cock, Abishek Ramdas, Daniel Schwyn, Michael Giardino, Adam Turowski, Zhenhao He, Nora Hossle, Dario Korolija, Melissa Licciardello, Kristina Martsenko, Reto Achermann, Gustavo Alonso, Timothy Roscoe
27th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Feb 2022

[H2RC'21] ACCL: FPGA-Accelerated Collectives over 100 Gbps TCP-IP
Zhenhao He, Daniele Parravicini, Lucian Petrica, Kenneth O’Brien, Gustavo Alonso, Michaela Blott
7th International Workshop on Heterogeneous High-performance Reconfigurable Computing, Nov 2021

[FPL'21] Distributed Recommendation Inference on FPGA Clusters
Yu Zhu, Zhenhao He, Wenqi Jiang, Kai Zeng, Jingren Zhou, Gustavo Alonso
31th International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications, August 2021

[FPL'21] EasyNet: 100 Gbps Network for HLS
Zhenhao He, Dario Korolija, Gustavo Alonso
31th International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications, August 2021

[KDD'21] FleetRec: Large-Scale Recommendation Inference on Hybrid GPU-FPGA Clusters
Wenqi Jiang*, Zhenhao He*, Shuai Zhang, Kai Zeng, Liang Feng, Jiansong Zhang, Tongxuan Liu, Yong Li, Jingren Zhou, Ce Zhang, Gustavo Alonso
27th SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, August 2021

[MLSys'21] MicroRec: Accelerating Deep Recommendation Systems to Microseconds by Hardware and Data Structure Solutions
Wenqi Jiang, Zhenhao He, Shuai Zhang, Thomas B Preußer, Kai Zeng, Liang Feng, Jiansong Zhang, Tongxuan Liu, Yong Li, Jingren Zhou, Ce Zhang, Gustavo Alonso
4th Conference on Machine Learning and Systems, April 2021

[SoCC'20] Specializing the Network for Scatter-Gather Workloads
Catalina Alvarez, Zhenhao He, Gustavo Alonso, Ankit Singla
ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, October 2020

[FPGA'20] BiS-KM: Enabling Any-Precision K-Means on FPGAs
Zhenhao He, Zeke Wang, Gustavo Alonso
28th ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, February 2020

[FPL'18] A Flexible K-Means Operator for Hybrid Databases
Zhenhao He, David Sidler, Zsolt Istvan, Gustavo Alonso
28th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, August 2018

Co-first authorship is denoted by *


Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science
Systems Group, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Advisor: Prof. Gustavo Alonso
Mar. 2019 - Present
M.Sc. in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Thesis: Design and Implementation of a Framework for Enabling Distributed FPGA Applications
Sep. 2016 - Oct. 2018
B.Sc. in Electronic Engineering
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Double Degree Program with Tongji University
Sep. 2015 - Jul. 2016
B.Sc. in Electronic and Information Engineering
Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Outstanding Graduates of Tongji University
Sep. 2012 - Jul. 2015


Research Intern
Research Labs Xilinx
Designed and implemented ACCL [website], an open-source FPGA accelerated collective offload engine with 100 Gbps hardware TCP/IP backend.
Dublin, Ireland Mar. 2021 - Sep. 2021
Research Assistant
Systems Group, ETH Zurich
Designed and implemented a flexible K-Means FPGA accelerator that can accommodate various dimensions and clusters in runtime.
Zurich, Switzerland Sep. 2017 - Jan. 2018
Research Assistant
Institute of Electomagnetic Fields, ETH Zurich
Designed and simulated a novel structure of photonic-plasmonic beam splitter in subwavelength scale realizing low loss transmission.
Zurich, Switzerland Sep. 2016 - Apr. 2017

Invited Talks and Tutorials

[Tutorial] Network and Memory Abstractions on FPGAs for Distributed Applications
Tutorial co-located with International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications, September 2023

[Tutorial] Enabling Networking for Distributed Applications on FPGA Clusters
Tutorial co-located with ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, February 2023

[Talk] XACC-ETHZ cluster
2nd Workshop on DevOps support for Cloud FPGA platforms at FPL 2021, August 2021

[Talk] VNX, EasyNet; Elastic-DF
Xilinx XACC Tech Talk series, June 2021

[Talk] EasyNet: 100Gbps Network for HLS
Xilinx University Program XACC school, January 2021


Xilinx XACC Outstanding Contributor Award [website] ETH Zurich 2021
Outstanding Graduates Tongji University 2016
National Scholarship Tongji University 2015
Chinese Government Scholarship for Studying Abroad Tongji University 2015
Zhenhao He