Default applications for nnn (or xdg-open)

Default Applications on Linux

If you are using nnn and you want to open mp3, mp4, text or audio files with command line programs then this small article will help you. NOTE: this also works for GUI programs, but usually they include some .desktop file in their package.

Create a …

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Disable LED on a ThinkPad

Here's how you can disable the red LED in the ThinkPad logo:


You need a kernel compiled with CONFIG_THINKPAD_ACPI_UNSAFE_LEDS=y and the boot parameter ec_sys.write_support=1 set.


Run: echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/class/leds/tpacpi::lid_logo_dot/brightness

systemd service

This systemd-service disables the red power LED …

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Wayvnc server

If you want to run a headless sway session on a server and connect to it.


  • sway
  • wayvnc


Start sway with XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp/ WLR_BACKENDS=headless WLR_LIBINPUT_NO_DEVICES=1 sway

Start wayvnc inside sway: swaymsg --socket /tmp/sway-ipc.*.sock exec 'WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-1 wayvnc -C ~/.config/wayvnc/config 0.0.0 …

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Install a wireguard VPN

This page is a tutorial on how to install wireguard on archlinux and add a connection between two clients. Also i made a systemd timer which reconfigures the interface in case the other side is no longer pingable. This is very useful in case you have a DNS but the …

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Disable LED on a raspberry pi

Here's how you can disable the 'active'-LED and the power-LED on a rasbperry pi (and probably on other boards too):

Manual - Permanent



Initially you have to find the correct name of the desired LED.

Run: echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/class/leds …

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Archlinux ARM

My default setup of any archlinux ARM device (f.ex raspberry pi)

This tutorial is for GNU/Linux host machines.

Initially follow the guide on the Installation tab of your device (or search a guide to flash the SD-card for your device):

  • RPI-3
  • RPI-4

  • or another tutorial where you only …

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