Mohamed Rasheed-Hilmy Abdalmoaty
Journal Articles
F. E. Tosun, A. M. H. Teixeira, M. Abdalmoaty, A. Ahlén, S. Dey. Quickest Detection of Bias Injection Attacks on the Glucose Sensor in the Artificial Pancreas Under Meal Disturbances. In Journal of Process Control, vol. 153, no. 103162, March 2024.
A. Ghosh, M. Abdalmoaty, S. Chatterjee, and H. Hjalmarsson. DeepBayes - an estimator for parameter estimation in stochastic nonlinear dynamical models. In Automatica 159 (2024): 111327.
D. Rodrigous, M. Abdalmoaty, E.W. Jacobsen, V. Chotteau, and H. Hjalmarsson. An Integrated Approach for Modeling and Identification of Perfusion Bioreactors via Basis Flux Modes. In Computers & Chemical Engineering (2021): 107238.
M. Abdalmoaty, H. Hjalmarsson, and B. Wahlberg. The Gaussian MLE Versus the Optimally Weighted LSE [Lecture Notes]. In IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Volume 37, Issue 6, 2020.
M. Abdalmoaty and H. Hjalmarsson. Identification of Stochastic Nonlinear Models Using Optimal Estimating Functions. In Automatica 119 (2020): 109055.
M. Abdalmoaty and H. Hjalmarsson. Linear Prediction Error Methods for Stochastic Nonlinear Models. In Automatica 105 (2019): 49-63.
Conference Papers
M Abdalmoaty and R. Smith. Small Noise Analysis of Non-Parametric Closed-Loop Identification. In the 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2024).
A. Tsiamis, M Abdalmoaty, R. Smith, J. Lygeros. Finite Sample Frequency Domain Identification. In the 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2024).
R. Smith, M. Abdalmoaty, M. Yin. Optimal Data-Driven Prediction and Predictive Control using Signal Matrix Models. In the 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2024).
R. Smith, M. Abdalmoaty, M. Yin. Data-driven formulation of the Kalman filter and its Application to Predictive Control. In the 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2024).
M. Abdalmoaty, J. Miller, M. Yin, and R. Smith. Frequency-Domain Identification of Discrete-Time Systems using Sum-of-Rational Optimization. Accepted for IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Boston, USA.
M. Abdalmoaty, E. Balta, J. Lygeros, and R. Smith. Online Identification of Stochastic Continuous-Time Wiener Models Using Sampled Data. Accepted for ECC 2024 Stockholm, Sweden.
M. Abdalmoaty, Sribalaji C. Anand and André Teixeira. Privacy and Security in Network Controlled Systems via Dynamic Masking. In IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 56, Issue 2, pp. 991-996, 2023.
M. Abdalmoaty and A. Medvedev. Continuous-Time Pure Delay Estimation From Sampled Measurements. In IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 56, Issue 2, pp. 6982-6987, 2023.
M. Abdalmoaty and A. Medvedev. Noise reduction in Laguerre-domain discrete delay estimation. In the 61th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2022).
R. Bereza, O. Eriksson, M. Abdalmoaty, D. Broman, and H. Hjalmarsson. Stochastic Approximation for Identification of Non-Linear Differential-Algebraic Equations with Process Disturbances. In the 61th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC).
M. Abdalmoaty and A. Medvedev. Noise reduction in Laguerre-domain discrete delay estimation. In the 61th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC).
A. Ghosh, A. Fontcuberta, M. Abdalmoaty, and S. Chatterjee. Time-Varying Normalizing Flows for Dynamical Signals. In the 30th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2022).
M. Abdalmoaty, O. Eriksson, R. Bereza, D. Broman, and H. Hjalmarsson. Identification of Non-Linear Differential-Algebraic Equation Models with Process Disturbances. In the 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) July 2021.
D. Rodrigues, M. Abdalmoaty, and H. Hjalmarsson. Toward Tractable Global Solutions to Bayesian Point Estimation Problems via Sparse Sum-of-Squares Relaxations. In the 2020 American Control Conference (ACC), pp. 1501-1506.
D. Rodrigues, M. Abdalmoaty, and H. Hjalmarsson. Toward Tractable Global Solutions to Maximum-Likelihood Estimation Problems via Sparse Sum-of-Squares Relaxations. In the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC),pp. 3184-3189, 2019.
M. Abdalmoaty and H. Hjalmarsson. Consistent estimators of stochastic MIMO Wiener models based on suboptimal predictors. In the 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 3842-3847, 2018.
M. Abdalmoaty and H. Hjalmarsson. Application of a linear PEM estimator to a stochastic Wiener-Hammerstein benchmark problem. In IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 51, Issue 15, pp. 784-789, 2018.
M. Abdalmoaty, C. R. Rojas, and H. Hjalmarsson. Identification of a class of nonlinear dynamical networks. In IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 51, Issue 15, pp. 868-873, 2018.
M. Abdalmoaty and H. Hjalmarsson. Simulated pseudo maximum likelihood identification of nonlinear models. In IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 50, Issue 1, pp. 14058-14063, 2017.
M. Abdalmoaty and H. Hjalmarsson. A Simulated Maximum Likelihood Method for Estimation of Stochastic Wiener Systems. In the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), pp. 3060-3065, 2016.
M. Abdalmoaty and H. Hjalmarsson. On Re-weighting, Regularization Selection, and Transient in Nuclear Norm based Identification. In IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 48, Issue 28, pp. 092-097, 2015.
M. Abdalmoaty, D. Henrion and L. Rodrigues. Measures and LMIs for optimal control of piecewise-affine systems. European Control Conference, Zurich 2013.
M. Abdalmoaty. Identification of Stochastic Nonlinear Dynamical Models Using Estimating Functions. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EECS-AVL-2019:63, ISBN 978-91-7873-267-8, 2019.
M. Abdalmoaty. Learning Stochastic Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Using Non-stationary Linear Predictors. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EE 2017:172, ISBN 978-91-7729-624-9, 2017.
M. Abdalmoaty. Measures and LMIs for Optimal Control of Piecewise-Affine Dynamical Systems: Systematic feedback synthesis in continuous-time. Luleå University of Technology, 2012.