My ice hockey journey started at the age of 6 at the GCK/ZSC Lions organisation in Zurich, which provides professional training structure from the early age. Starting from 2 trainings per week it shortly increased up to 7 trainings and 2 games per week which was a regular hockey week for me. Playing in the best junior leagues in Switzerland included long travels with a coach for away games. I competed at numerous international tournaments among them Lekov Cup 2012 (Pilsen) and 2nd Hockey Challenge (Geneva) and took part at various hockey camps thereunder in Calgary. Going to the sport school K&S Rämibühl enabled me to participate at all the trainings whilst having good education off the ice.
Ice hockey taught me the most valuable things in life. Being focused and working hard for a goal has shaped my personality and motivation up to the present day. Even though I was not the biggest player on the ice, my speed and skating technique made me a solid defenseman showing me that there are always different options to arrive at good results. The importance lies in using ones strong point and improving it day by day. Last but not least, I learnt to work in a team and realized the prominence of team spirit in good times as well as in bad.