

My website

Hello there,
It seems you've stumbled upon my small corner of the internet. You may enter, but you must heed this warning!
You may see things that you find unpleasant. Maybe even strange compositions of images and letters that you might struggle to even fully comprehend. The contents of this page may leave you wondering: "Why would anyone post this?"
Truth be told, I'm not entirely sure either. But know this! None of what you witness on this page can be unseen. Forgotten maybe, but it will reside in some sinister crevasse of your mind. Tread with caution when considering this.

Disclaimers aside, I made this website because I find personal websites from the olden days very charming. It also serves as my central place for storing Art, Memes, and other random things, and maybe sharing those things with the people in my life.

Browse carefully, be mindful, and most importantly, be kind.
