research interest:
Theme: Probability, statistical mechanics.
Keywords: Bernoulli bond percolation (time constant, isoperimetry), First passage percolation (maximal flow, minimal cutset, maximal stream), Boolean percolation (sharpness of phase transition).
Published/accepted papers:
The time constant is Lipschitz continuous strictly above p_c with Raphaël Cerf, Annals of Probability, 50(5) 1781-1812, 2022.
Regularity of the time constant for a supercritical Bernoulli percolation, ESAIM: PS, 25 (2021) 109-132
Vanishing of the Anchored isoperimetric profile in bond percolation at p_c with Raphaël Cerf, Electronic Communications in Probability Volume 25, paper no. 2 , 2020
Existence of the anchored isoperimetric profile in supercritical bond percolation in dimension two and higher ALEA (17), 2020
The maximal flow from a compact convex subset to infinity in first passage percolation on Zd, The Annals of Probability, (48), 2020
Size of a minimal cutset in supercritical first passage percolation with Marie Théret, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré : Probabilités et statistiques, (56), 2020.
Anchored isoperimetric profile of the infinite cluster in supercritical bond percolation is Lipschitz continuous, Electronic Communications in Probability Volume 25, paper no. 34 , 2020
On the upper tail large deviation rate function for chemical distance in supercritical percolation with Shuta Nakajima, preprint 2022 (39 pages).
Almost sharp sharpness for Poisson Boolean percolation with Vincent Tassion, preprint 2022 (33 pages).
Coalescence of geodesics and the BKS midpoint problem in planar first-passage percolation with Dor Elboim and Ron Peled, preprint 2022 (46 pages).
The variance of the graph distance in the infinite cluster of percolation is sublinear, preprint 2022 (12 pages).
Large deviation principle for the cutsets and lower large deviation principle for the maximal flow in first passage percolation with Marie Théret, preprint 2021 (65 pages).
Large deviation principle for the streams and the maximal flow in first passage percolation with Marie Théret, preprint 2020 (99 pages).