- 24.06.24 New publication in Solar RRL:
"Effects of Photon Recycling and Luminescent Coupling in All‐Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells Assessed by Full Opto‐Electronic Simulation"
- 15.7.24 Upcoming presentations:
- Multi-Scale Simulation of Reverse-Bias Breakdown in All-Perovskite Tandem Photovoltaic Modules under Partial Shading Conditions, SimOEP 2024, ZHAW Winterthur (02.09.2024)
- Simulation of advanced-concept solar cells beyond the limitations of the drift-diffusion picture, AMaSiS workshop, WIAS Berlin, (11-13.09.2024)
- Multi-Scale Simulation of Non-Idealities in All-Perovskite Tandem Photovotaic Modules, EU PVSEC, Vienna (25.09.2024)
- 5.7.23 Upcoming presentations:
- Role of Contacts in the Operation of Valley-Photovoltaic Devices, EU PVSEC, Lisboa (18.9.2023)
- Simulation-Based Loss Analysis & Optimization of All-Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells & Modules, EU PVSEC, Lisboa (20.9.2023)
- 12.11.22 Upcoming presentations:
- Advanced simulation of perovskite-based tandem solar cells (invited, SPIE Photonics West 2023, San Francisco (USA), 30.1.23)
- Quantum transport simulation of valley-photovoltaic devices (SPIE Photonics West 2023, San Francisco, 31.1.23)
- 22.9.22 Upcoming presentations:
- The Role of Reabsorption in Pero/Si Tandems Assessed by Optoelectronic Simulation (Simon Zeder, EU PVSEC 2022, Milano (I), 27.9.22)
- Loss analysis for all-perovskite tandems based on full opto-electronic device simulation (CSPV conference, online, Nov. 3-5, 2022)
- 22.8.22 New paper out:
U. Aeberhard, S. Zeder, B. Ruhstaller
Impact of photon recycling on the light extraction from metal halide perovskite light emitting diodes,
Opt. Quant. Electron. 54, 617 (2022).https://doi.org/10.1007/s11082-022-03791-9
- 30.4.22 Upcoming presentations:
- Photon Recycling and Luminescent Coupling in All-perovskite Tandem Solar Cells Assessed by Full Opto-electronic Simulation (Tandem PV workshop, Freiburg (D), 31.5.22)
- Photon recycling and luminescent coupling in all-perovskite tandem solar cells quantified by full opto-electronic device simulation (IEEE PVSC, Philadelphia (USA), 9.6.22)
- Quantum Transport with Light-Matter Interaction (CECAM workshop on Quantum Transport Methods and Algorithms: From Particles to Waves Approaches, Zürich, 8.7.22)
- 20.1.22 New paper out:
S. Zeder, B. Ruhstaller, U. Aeberhard,
Assessment of photon recycling in perovskite solar cells by fully coupled optoelectronic simulation,
Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 014023 (2022).
- 11.5.21 Upcoming presentations:
- Photon recycling in perovskite solar cells assessed by a detailed-balance compatible dipole emission model (IEEE PVSC, 25.6.)
- Computational assessment of photon recycling in ultra-thin GaAs solar cells (IEEE PVSC, 23.6.)
- 1.5.21 New papers out:
- Reconciliation of dipole emission with detailed balance rates for the simulation of
luminescence and photon recycling in perovskite solar cells, Optics Express 29, 14773 (2021) - selected as Editor's Pick
- Hot-carrier optoelectronic devices based on semiconductor nanowires, Applied Physics Reviews 8, 021309 (2021)
- 26.5.20 New blog post about the NUSOD contribution on reciprocity and photon recycling in ultrathin solar cells.
- 17.5.20 Our theoretical predictions of field effects in ultrathin solar cells have been verified experimentally!
In their recent publication in Progress in Photovoltaics , van Eerden
and co-authors discuss the experimental signature of the Franz-Keldysh effect in ultra-thin GaAs solar cells, which we predicted and discussed in several papers.