Journal papers


  • U. Aeberhard,
    Simulation of light propagation in thin semiconductor films with non-local electron-photon interaction,


  • S.J Zeder, B Blülle, B Ruhstaller, U. Aeberhard,
    Optical multiscale model for quantification of photon recycling including incoherent light scattering,
    Optics Express 32, 34154 (2024)
  • U. Aeberhard,N. Natsch, A. Schneider, S. J. Zeder, H. Carrillo-Nuñez, B. Blülle, B. Ruhstaller,
    Multi-Scale Simulation of Reverse-Bias Breakdown in All-Perovskite Tandem Photovoltaic Modules under Partial Shading Conditions,
    Solar RRL 8, 2400492 (2024)
  • U. Aeberhard, S. J. Zeder, B. Ruhstaller,
    Effects of Photon Recycling and Luminescent Coupling in All‐Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells Assessed by Full Opto‐Electronic Simulation,
    Solar RRL 8, 2400264 (2024)



  • U. Aeberhard, A. Schiller, Y. Masson, S. J. Zeder, B. Blülle, B. Ruhstaller,
    Analysis and optimization of organic tandem solar cells by full opto-electronic simulation,
    Frontiers in Photonics 3 (2022)


  • U. Aeberhard, S. Zeder, B. Ruhstaller
    Reconciliation of dipole emission with detailed balance rates for the simulation of luminescence and photon recycling in perovskite solar cells,
    Optics Express 29, 14773 (2021)
  • F. Li, W. Duan, M. Pomaska, M. Köhler, K. Ding, Y. Pu, U. Aeberhard, U. Rau
    Quantum Transport across Amorphous-Crystalline Interfaces in Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact Solar Cells: Direct versus Defect-Assisted Tunneling,
    Chinese Physics Letters 38 (3), 36301 (2021)


  • S. Zeder, C. Kirsch, U. Aeberhard, B. Blülle, S. Jenatsch, B. Ruhstaller,
    Coupled 3D master equation and 1D drift‐diffusion approach for advanced OLED modeling,
    J. Soc. Inf. Disp. 28, 440-449 (2020)
  • A. Gonzalo, A. D. Utrilla, U. Aeberhard, V. Braza, D. F. Reyes, D. Fuertes Marrón, J. M. Llorens, B. Alén, T. Ben, D. González, A. Guzman, A. Hierro, J. M. Ulloa,
    Diluted nitride type-II superlattices: Overcoming the difficulties of bulk GaAsSbN in solar cells,
    Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 210, 110500 (2020)



  • P. Czaja, M. Celino, S. Giusepponi, M. Gusso and U. Aeberhard,
    Ab initio study on localization and finite size effects in the structural, electronic, and optical properties of hydrogenated amorphous silicon
    Computational Materials Science 155, 159-168 (2018)
  • F Li, U. Aeberhard, H Wu, M Qiao, Y Li
    Global minimum beryllium hydride sheet with novel negative Poisson's ratio: first-principles calculations
    RSC Advances 8, 19432-19436 (2018)


  • U. Aeberhard,
    Nano-Structure Solar Cells,
    in: Handbook of Optoelectronic Device Modelling and Simulation, pp. 441-447, Taylor&Francis Oct. 2017, Ed. J. Piprek doi:10.1201/9781315152318-20


  • U. Aeberhard, P. Czaja, M. Ermes, B. E. Pieters, G. Chistiakova, K. Bittkau, A. Richter, K. Ding, S. Giusepponi, M. Celino
    Towards a multi-scale approach to the simulation of silicon hetero-junction solar cells,
    Journal of Green Engineering 5, 11-32 (2016)


  • E. Moulin, T. C. M. Müller, M. Warzecha, A. Hoffmann, U. W. Paetzold and U. Aeberhard,
    Highly transparent front electrodes with metal fingers for p-i-n thin-film silicon solar cells,
    EPJ Photovoltaics 6, 60501 (2015)


  • U. Aeberhard,
    Quantum-kinetic theory of steady-state photocurrent generation in thin films: Coherent versus incoherent coupling,
    Phys. Rev. B 89, 115303 (2014)


  • K. Ding, U. Aeberhard, F. Finger, and U. Rau,
    Amorphous silicon oxide buffer layers for silicon heterojunction solar cells with microcrystalline silicon oxide contact layers,
    J. Appl. Phys. 113, 134501 (2013)
  • U. Aeberhard,
    Theoretical investigation of direct and phonon-assisted tunneling currents in InAlGaAs-InGaAs bulk and quantum well interband tunnel junctions for multijunction solar cells,
    Phys. Rev. B 87, 081302(R) (2013)


  • U. Aeberhard,
    Non-equilibrium Green's function theory of excitonic effects in the photocurrent response of semiconductor nanostructures,
    Phys. Rev. B 86, 115317 (2012)
  • K. Ding, U. Aeberhard, O. Astakhov, U. Breuer, M. Beigmohamadi, S. Suckow, B. Berghoff, W. Beyer,
    F. Finger, R. Carius and U. Rau,
    Defect passivation by hydrogen reincorporation for silicon quantum dots in SiC/SiOx hetero-superlattice,
    J. Non-Cryst. Solids 358, 2145 (2012)


  • T. C. M. Müller, E. Moulin and U. Aeberhard,
    Improvement of hydrogenated microcrystalline (μc−Si:H) single junction solar cells with upconverter at rear side,
    Energy Procedia 10, 76 (2011)
  • K.Ding, U. Aeberhard, O. Astakhov, F. Köhler, W.Beyer, F. Finger, R.Carius and U. Rau,
    Silicon quantum dot formation in SiC/SiOx hetero-superlattices,
    Energy Procedia 10, 249 (2011)


  • U. Aeberhard, K. Wakabayashi and M. Sigrist,
    Effect of spin-orbit coupling on zero-conductance resonances in asymmetrically coupled one-dimensional rings,
    Phys. Rev. B 72, 075328 (2005)

Conference proceedings

  • U. Aeberhard, M. Neukom, A. Schiller, S. Zuefle, S. Jenatsch, B. Bluelle, S. Altazin, L. Stepanova, E. Knapp, C. Kirsch, B. Ruhstaller,
    Computational device optimization and parameter extraction for perovskite-based solar cells
    Physics, Simulation, and Photonic Engineering of Photovoltaic Devices IX, 11275, 112750B (2020)
  • U. Aeberhard, S. Altazin, L. Stepanova, A. Stous, B. Blülle, C. Kirsch, E.Knapp, B. Ruhstaller,
    Numerical optimization of organic and hybrid multijunction solar cells
    Proc. 46th IEEE PVSC, Chicago, June 2019
  • U. Aeberhard,
    Simulation of Thermal Photocarrier Escape in Quantum Well Solar Cells: Electron-Electron vs. Electron-Phonon Interaction
    Proc. 46th IEEE PVSC, Chicago, June 2019
  • U. Aeberhard,
    Simulation of absorption, photogeneration and carrier extraction in nanostructure-based and ultra-thin film solar cell devices beyond the classical picture
    Proc. SPIE,  published online
  • U. Aeberhard and U. Rau,
    Microscopic theory of absorption and emission in nanostructured solar cells: beyond the generalized Planck formula
    Proc. 24th EU PVSEC, Hamburg, 2009
  • U. Aeberhard and R.H. Morf,
    Photovoltaic properties of coupled quantum well structures: microscopic theory and numerical simulation
    Proc. 23rd EU PVSEC, Valencia, 2008)
  • U. Aeberhard and R.H. Morf,
    Microscopic Modelling of Quantum Well Solar Cells
    Proc. 22nd EU PVSEC, Milano, 2007
  • U. Aeberhard and R.H. Morf,
    Microscopic Modelling of Quantum Well Solar Cells
    SISPAD 07, Wien, 2007

Theses and book chapters

  • SJ Zeder, U. Aeberhard, B. Ruhstaller, W. Tress,
    Photon recycling in metal halide perovskites: Its modeling and relevance to optoelectronic devices,
    in: Metal Halide Perovskites for Generation, Manipulation and Detection of Light, pp. 507-545, Elsevier, 2023, 10.1016/B978-0-323-91661-5.00001-5
  • U. Aeberhard,
    Nano-Structure Solar Cells,
    in: Handbook of Optoelectronic Device Modelling and Simulation, pp. 441-447, Taylor&Francis Oct. 2017, Ed. J. Piprek, doi:10.1201/9781315152318-20
  • U. Aeberhard and R.H. Morf,
    Photovoltaic Effects in Quantum Confined Systems: Microscopic Theory and Numerical Simulation
    Chapter 4 of: "Physics of Nanostructured Solar Cells", Nova Science Publishers, 2010
  • U. Aeberhard,
    A Microscopic Theory of Quantum Well Photovoltaics,
    (PhD thesis, ETH Zuerich, 2008)

Presentations at international conferences and workshops:

Invited talks

  • Simulation of advanced-concept solar cells beyond the limitations of the drift-diffusion picture
    (AMaSiS workshop, Berlin, 12.09.2024).
  • Advanced simulation of perovskite-based tandem solar cells
    (SPIE Photonics West 2023, San Francisco (USA), 30.01.2023)
  • Simulation of photon recycling in thin film solar cells - from non-equilibrium Green's functions to luminescent coupling in perovskite-based tandems (UW-Madison's Grainger Institute Computing in Engineering Forum 2022, online, 20.09.2022)
  • Quantum Transport with Light-Matter Interaction (CECAM workshop on Quantum Transport Methods and Algorithms: From Particles to Waves Approaches, Zürich, 08.07.2022)
  • Computational device optimization and parameter extraction for perovskite-based solar cells
    (SPIE Photonics West OPTO 2020, 05.02.2020)
  • Computational characterization of passivated contacts for silicon solar cells
    (Renewable Energy meets HPC: Final conference of EoCoE, Nicosia, Cyprus, 17.09.2018)
  • Microscopic Simulation of Recombination & Transport at Heterointerfaces in Solar Cells
    (SimOEP18, Winterthur, 05.09.2018)
  • NEGF Theory of Photovoltaics at the Nanoscale - Progress & Challenges
    (PNGFVII, Frascati, Italy, 30.08.2018)
  • A quantum-kinetic perspective on PV device operation in nanostructure-based solar cells
    (MRS Spring Meeting, Phoenix, 21.04.2017)
  • Multi-scale simulation of nanostructure-based solar cell devices
    (SLQM opening workshop, FZ Jülich, 04.04.2017)
  • Photovoltaic reciprocity and quasi-Fermi level splitting in nanostructure-based solar cells
    (SPIE Photonics West OPTO, 01.02.2017)
  • Quasi-ballistic hot-carrier transport in ultrathin solar cells
    (HEMP 2016 workshop, Imperial College London,15.09.2016)
  • NEGF theory of photovoltaics at the nanoscale - from quantum fields to solar cell characteristics
    (Invited seminar at Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science, 02.05.2016)
  • Simulation of nanostructure-based solar cells beyond the limits of the semiclassical approximation
    (Theory and Modelling for PV, Univ. Aix-Marseille, 01.10.2015)
  • Nonequilibrium Green's function theory of nanostructure solar cells
    (PNGF VI conference, Lund University, 21.08.2015)
  • Keldysh theory of photovoltaics at the nanoscale - from quantum fields to solar cell characteristics
    (LOMA Seminar, University of Bordeaux, 15.05.2015)
  • Radiative subband transitions in quantum photovoltaic device architectures
    (HEMP 2014 workshop, Imperial College London, 22.07.2014)
  • Nonequilibrium Green's functions for optoelectronic devices
    (NEWLED workshop, University of Rome Tor Vergata, 09.04.2014)
  • Simulation of absorption, photogeneration and carrier extraction in nanostructure based and
    ultra-thin film solar cell devices beyond the classical picture
    (SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, 02.02.2014)
  • Mesoscopic simulation of charge carrier photogeneration and extraction in nanostructure-based solar cell devices
    (NESEC workshop, PROMES/Université de Perpignan, 11.12.2012)
  • Simulation of direct and phonon-assisted tunneling currents in bulk and quantum well interband tunnel junctions for multijunction solar cells
    (HEMP 2012 workshop, Imperial College London, 18.09.2012)
  • Quantum-kinetic theory of nanostructure based photovoltaic devices
    (IWCE 2012, Madison, 23.05.2012)
  • Quantum-kinetic theory of nanostructure based photovoltaic devices
    (IRDEP/Chimie ParisTech, Paris, 17.02.2012)
  • Quantum-kinetic theory of nanostructure based photovoltaic devices
    (CSE seminar at STFC Daresbury Laboratory, 17.01.2012)
  • Towards an effective microscopic theory of quantum dot solar cells
    (High efficiency materials for photovoltaics workshop, Imperial College London, 11.08.2011)
  • Microscopic theory and numerical simulation of quantum well solar cells
    (SPIE Photonics West 2010, San Francisco, 25.01.2010)
  • Microscopic theory of coupled quantum well structures in photovoltaics
    (MRS spring meeting 2008, San Francisco, 25.03.2008)

Contributed talks

  • Simulation of Reverse-Bias Breakdown in All-Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells and its Impact on Module Performance under Partial Shading Conditions,
    (PVSEC-35, Numazu, 14.11.2024)
  • Multi-Scale Simulation of Non-Idealities in All-Perovskite Tandem Photovotaic Modules,
    (EU PVSEC, Vienna, 25.09.2024)
  • Multi-Scale Simulation of Reverse-Bias Breakdown in All-Perovskite Tandem Photovoltaic Modules under Partial Shading Conditions,
    (SimOEP 2024, ZHAW Winterthur, 02.09.2024)
  • Modelling Reverse-Bias Breakdown in All-Perovskite Tandem Modules under Partial Shading Conditions,
    (Tandem PV workshop, Amsterdam, 27.06.2024)
  • Simulation-Based Loss Analysis & Optimization of All-Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells & Modules,
    (EU PVSEC, Lisboa, 20.9.2023)
  • Role of Contacts in the Operation of Valley-Photovoltaic Devices,
    (EU PVSEC, Lisboa 18.09.2023)
  • Quantum transport simulation of valley-photovoltaic devices
    (SPIE Photonics West 2023, San Francisco, 31.01.2023)
  • Impact of photon recycling on the light extraction from metal halide perovskite light emitting diodes
    (SimOEP 2022, Winterthur, 08.09.2022)
  • Photon recycling and luminescent coupling in all-perovskite tandem solar cells quantified by full opto-electronic device simulation
    (2022 IEEE 49th Photovoltaics Specialists Conference (PVSC), Philadelphia)
  • Simulation of hot-carrier filtering in InAs-InP nanowire heterostructures
    (2022 IEEE 49th Photovoltaics Specialists Conference (PVSC), Philadelphia)
  • Photon Recycling and Luminescent Coupling in All-Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells Assessed by Full Opto-Electronic Device Simulation
    (2nd Tandem PV Workshop, Freiburg, 31.5.2022)
  • Photon Recycling and Luminescent Coupling in all-Perovksite Tandem Solar Cells Assessed by a Full Optoelectronic Simulation
    (NanoGe Spring Meeting 2022, online)
  • Rigorous simulation of photon recycling effects in perovskite solar cells and LEDs
    (2021 International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devoces (NUSOD), online).
  • Photon recycling in perovskite solar cells assessed by a detailed-balance compatible dipole emission model
    (2021 IEEE 48th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), online)
  • Computational assessment of photon recycling in ultra-thin GaAs solar cells
    (2021 IEEE 48th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), online).
  • Microscopic simulation of hot carrier effects in quantum well solar cells
    (SPIE Photonics West OPTO 2020, 04.02.2020)
  • Numerical Optimization of Organic and Hybrid Multijunction Solar Cells
    (46th IEEE PVSC Chicago, 17.06.2019)
  • Computational characterization of pasivating contacts for silicon solar cells
    (EERA-AMPEA-EoCoE Joint Workshop, Brussels, 07.06.2018)
  • Computational investigation of quantum well superlattice solar cells
    (Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society, Berlin, 12.03.2018)
  • Computational challenges in the NEGF simulation of mesoscopic solar cell components
    (Euro-TMCS II, Cork, Ireland, 09.12.2016)
  • Simulation of Ultra-thin Solar Cells Beyond the Limits of the Semi-classical Bulk Picture
    (43rd IEEE PVSC, Portland, USA, 10.6.2016)
  • Towards a multi-scale approach to the simulation of silicon heterojunction solar cells
    (MultiscaleSolar workshop, Valencia, Spain, 04.11.2015)
  • Photovoltaics at the nanoscale: limits of the semiclassical bulk picture
    (HEMP 2015, London, UK, 11.09.2015)
  • Quantum-kinetic theory of non-radiative processes in nanostructures for photovoltaic energy conversion
    (Euro-TMCS I 2015, Granada, Spain, 30.01.2015)
  • Fluorescence spectra of colloidal QD: impact of QD configuration and carrier dynamics
    (TMCS IV 2014, Salford, UK, 24.01.2014)
  • Photon Green's functions for a consistent theory of absorption and emission in nanostructure-based solar cell devices
    (NUSOD 2013, Vancouver, Canada, 19.08.2013)
  • Rigorous Simulation of InAlGaAs-InGaAs Bulk and Quantum Well Tunnel Junctions for Multijunction Solar Cells
    (IEEE PVSC 39, Tampa FL, USA, 17.06.2013)
  • Quantum-kinetic Theory of Defect-mediated Recombination in Nanostructure-based Photovoltaic Devices
    (MRS Fall Meeting 2012, Boston, 27.11.2012)
  • Quantum-kinetic theory of nanostructure based photovoltaic devices
    (NREL, Golden, 21.5.2012)
  • NEGF theory of quantum-dot fluorescence
    (TMCS III workshop 2012, Leeds, 19.1.2012)
  • Effective microscopic theory of quantum dot superlattice solar cells
    (NUSOD conference 2011, Rome, 7.9.2011)
  • Theory and simulation of charge carrier photogeneration and transport in silicon quantum dot superlattices
    (E-MRS Spring Meeting & Bilateral Energy Conference 2011, Nice, 11.05.2011)
  • Quantum-kinetic theory and numerical simulation of photogeneration and transport in Si-SiOx superlattice absorbers
    (E-MRS Fall Meeting 2010, Warsaw, 14.10.2010)
  • Non-Equilibrium Green's Function Theory of Quantum Photovoltaic Devices
    (CECAM workshop on empirical methods in semiconductor nano-structure
    design and modeling , Manchester University, 25.06.2010)
  • Theory and Simulation of Quantum Photovoltaic Devices
    (3rd Generation Photovoltaics Symposium, HWU Edinburgh, 26.05.2010)
  • Quantum-kinetic theory of  photovoltaic devices with low-dimensional absorbers
    (Talk at the ITP ETH Zürich, 17.03.2010)
  • Quantum-kinetic theory of  photovoltaic devices with low-dimensional absorbers
    (Talk at the Quantsol Workshop 2010, Brigels CH, 10.03.2010)
  • Theory and Simulation of Quantum Photovoltaic Devices
    (24th Umbrella Symposium, Forschungszentrum Jülich, 19.01.2010)
  • Theory and simulation of quantum photovoltaic devices: challenges and strategies
    (Quantum Photovoltaics Group, Imperial College, London, 17.12.2009)
  • Spectral properties of photogenerated carriers in quantum well solar cells
    (E-MRS 2009, Strasbourg, 6. 2009)
  • Towards a microscopic theory of quantum well photovoltaics
    (Balents group meeting, UCSB, 19.03.2008)
  • Quantum well solar cells: microscopic theory and numerical simulation
    (CSULB Physics Colloquium, Long Beach, 17.03.2008)
  • Absorption and Photocurrent of semiconductor quantum wells: a multiband NEGF approach
    (APS march meeting, New Orleans, 12.03.2008)
  • Towards a Microscopic Non-Equilibrium Theory of Quantum Well Photovoltaics 
    (IHT, RWTH Aachen, 02.11.2007)
  • Microscopic Non-Equilibrium Theory of Quantum Well Solar Cells
    (Heraus Seminar 07, Bad Honnef, 31.10.2007)
  • Microscopic modelling of quantum well solar cells
    (SISPAD 07, TU Wien, 26.09.2007)
  • Microscopic modelling of quantum well solar cells
    (22nd EU PVSEC, Milano, 3.09.2007)
  • Microscopic Theory of Quantum Well Solar Cells
    (Imperial College, Quantum Photovoltaics Group, 8. 2007)
  • Microscopic modelling of quantum well solar cells
    (Quantsol, Bad Hofgastein, Austria, 3. 2007)
  • NEGF modelling of QWSC
    (APS march meeting, Denver, USA, 3.2007)


  • Theory and simulation of nanostructure-based high efficiency
    photovoltaic devices
    (Next generation solar energy II workshop, Erlangen, 9-11.12.13)
  • Non-equilibrium Green's function theory of excitonic effects in the photocurrent
    response of semiconductor nanostructures
    (HEMP 2012 workshop, Imperial College London, 17-18.9.12)
  • Microscopic theory of absorption and emission in nanostructured solar cells:
    beyond the generalized Planck formula
    (24th EU PVSEC, Hamburg, 21-25.9.09)
  • Photovoltaic properties of coupled quantum well structures: microscopic theory and
    numerical simulation
    (23rd EU PVSEC, Valencia, 1.-5.9.08)
  • Microscopic modelling of quantum well solar cells
    (SISPAD 2007, 24.9.-26.9.07,TU Wien)
  • Nonequilibrium Green's function modelling of quantum well solar cells
    (SPG Meeting 2007, 21.-22.2.07, University of Zurich)