- S.J Zeder, B Blülle, B Ruhstaller, U. Aeberhard,
Optical multiscale model for quantification of photon recycling including incoherent light scattering,
Optics Express 32, 34154 (2024)
- U. Aeberhard,N. Natsch, A. Schneider, S. J. Zeder, H. Carrillo-Nuñez, B. Blülle, B. Ruhstaller,
Multi-Scale Simulation of Reverse-Bias Breakdown in All-Perovskite Tandem Photovoltaic Modules under Partial Shading Conditions,
Solar RRL 8, 2400492 (2024)
- U. Aeberhard, S. J. Zeder, B. Ruhstaller,
Effects of Photon Recycling and Luminescent Coupling in All‐Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells Assessed by Full Opto‐Electronic Simulation,
Solar RRL 8, 2400264 (2024)
- U. Aeberhard, A. Schiller, Y. Masson, S. J. Zeder, B. Blülle, B. Ruhstaller,
Analysis and optimization of organic tandem solar cells by full opto-electronic simulation,
Frontiers in Photonics 3 (2022)
- U. Aeberhard, S. Zeder, B. Ruhstaller
Reconciliation of dipole emission with detailed balance rates for the simulation of
luminescence and photon recycling in perovskite solar cells,
Optics Express 29, 14773 (2021)
- F. Li, W. Duan, M. Pomaska, M. Köhler, K. Ding, Y. Pu, U. Aeberhard, U. Rau
Quantum Transport across Amorphous-Crystalline Interfaces in Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact Solar Cells: Direct versus Defect-Assisted Tunneling,
Chinese Physics Letters 38 (3), 36301 (2021)
- S. Zeder, C. Kirsch, U. Aeberhard, B. Blülle, S. Jenatsch, B. Ruhstaller,
Coupled 3D master equation and 1D drift‐diffusion approach for advanced OLED modeling,
J. Soc. Inf. Disp. 28, 440-449 (2020)
- A. Gonzalo, A. D. Utrilla, U. Aeberhard, V. Braza, D. F. Reyes, D. Fuertes Marrón, J. M. Llorens, B. Alén, T. Ben, D. González, A. Guzman, A. Hierro, J. M. Ulloa,
Diluted nitride type-II superlattices: Overcoming the difficulties
of bulk GaAsSbN in solar cells,
Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 210, 110500 (2020)
- P. Czaja, M. Celino, S. Giusepponi, M. Gusso and U. Aeberhard,
Ab initio study on localization and finite size effects in the structural, electronic, and optical properties of hydrogenated amorphous silicon
Computational Materials Science 155, 159-168 (2018)
- F Li, U. Aeberhard, H Wu, M Qiao, Y Li
Global minimum beryllium hydride sheet with novel negative Poisson's ratio: first-principles calculations
RSC Advances 8, 19432-19436 (2018)
- U. Aeberhard,
Nano-Structure Solar Cells,
in: Handbook of Optoelectronic Device Modelling and Simulation, pp. 441-447, Taylor&Francis Oct. 2017, Ed. J. Piprek
- U. Aeberhard, P. Czaja, M. Ermes, B. E. Pieters, G. Chistiakova, K. Bittkau, A. Richter, K. Ding, S. Giusepponi, M. Celino
Towards a multi-scale approach to the simulation of silicon hetero-junction solar cells,
Journal of Green Engineering 5, 11-32 (2016)
- E. Moulin, T. C. M. Müller, M. Warzecha, A. Hoffmann, U. W.
Paetzold and U. Aeberhard,
Highly transparent front
electrodes with metal fingers for p-i-n thin-film silicon solar cells,
EPJ Photovoltaics 6,
60501 (2015)
- U. Aeberhard,
Quantum-kinetic theory of
steady-state photocurrent generation in thin films: Coherent versus
incoherent coupling,
Rev. B 89, 115303 (2014)
- K. Ding, U. Aeberhard,
F. Finger, and U. Rau,
silicon oxide
buffer layers for silicon heterojunction solar cells with
microcrystalline silicon oxide contact layers,
Appl. Phys. 113, 134501 (2013)
- U. Aeberhard,
Theoretical investigation of
direct and phonon-assisted tunneling currents in InAlGaAs-InGaAs bulk
and quantum well interband tunnel junctions for multijunction solar
Rev. B 87, 081302(R)
- U. Aeberhard, R.
Vaxenburg, E. Lifshitz and S. Tomic,
Fluorescence of colloidal
PbSe/PbS QD in NIR luminescent solar concentrators,
Phys. Chem. Chem.
Phys. 14,
16223 (2012)
- K. Ding, U. Aeberhard,
O. Astakhov, W. Beyer, F. Köhler, U. Breuer, F. Finger, R. Carius and
U. Rau,
Annealing induced defects in SiC,
SiOx single layers and SiC/SiOx hetero-superlattices,
Status Solidi A 209,
1960 (2012)
- U. Aeberhard,
Non-equilibrium Green's function
theory of excitonic effects in the photocurrent response of
semiconductor nanostructures,
Rev. B 86, 115317
- K. Ding, U. Aeberhard,
O. Astakhov, U. Breuer, M. Beigmohamadi, S. Suckow, B. Berghoff, W.
F. Finger, R. Carius and U. Rau,
Defect passivation by hydrogen
reincorporation for silicon quantum dots in SiC/SiOx
Non-Cryst. Solids 358, 2145
- K. Ding, U. Aeberhard,
F. Finger and U. Rau,
Silicon heterojunction solar cell
with amorphous silicon oxide buffer and microcrystalline silicon oxide
contact layers,
Physica Status
Solidi (RRL) 6,
193 (2012)
- T. C. M. Müller, E. Moulin and U. Aeberhard,
Improvement of hydrogenated
microcrystalline (μc−Si:H) single junction solar cells with upconverter
at rear
Procedia 10,
76 (2011)
- K.Ding, U. Aeberhard,
O. Astakhov, F. Köhler, W.Beyer, F. Finger, R.Carius and U. Rau,
Silicon quantum dot formation in
Procedia 10,
249 (2011)
- U. Aeberhard, K.
Wakabayashi and M. Sigrist,
of spin-orbit coupling on zero-conductance
resonances in
asymmetrically coupled one-dimensional rings,
Rev. B 72, 075328
U. Aeberhard, M. Neukom, A. Schiller, S. Zuefle, S. Jenatsch, B. Bluelle, S. Altazin, L. Stepanova, E. Knapp, C. Kirsch, B. Ruhstaller,
Computational device optimization and parameter extraction for perovskite-based solar cells
Physics, Simulation, and Photonic Engineering of Photovoltaic Devices IX, 11275, 112750B (2020)
U. Aeberhard, S. Altazin, L. Stepanova, A. Stous, B. Blülle, C. Kirsch, E.Knapp, B. Ruhstaller,
Numerical optimization of organic and hybrid multijunction solar cells
Proc. 46th IEEE PVSC, Chicago, June 2019
U. Aeberhard,
Simulation of Thermal Photocarrier Escape in Quantum Well Solar Cells:
Electron-Electron vs. Electron-Phonon Interaction
Proc. 46th IEEE PVSC, Chicago, June 2019
- A. Gonzalo, A. D. Utrilla, U. Aeberhard, J. M. Llorens, B. Alén, D. Fuertes Marrón, A. Guzman, A. Hierro, and J. M. Ulloa,
Type-II GaAsSb/GaAsN superlattice solar cells
SPIE, 10527, Physics, Simulation, and Photonic Engineering of Photovoltaic Devices VII (2018)
- U. Aeberhard,
Simulation of absorption,
photogeneration and carrier extraction in nanostructure-based and
ultra-thin film solar cell devices beyond the classical picture
SPIE, published online
- U. Aeberhard and
U. Rau,
Microscopic theory of
absorption and emission in
nanostructured solar cells: beyond the generalized Planck formula
Proc. 24th EU PVSEC,
Hamburg, 2009
- U. Aeberhard and
R.H. Morf,
Photovoltaic properties
of coupled quantum well structures:
microscopic theory and numerical simulation
Proc. 23rd EU PVSEC,
Valencia, 2008)
- U. Aeberhard and
R.H. Morf,
Microscopic Modelling of
Quantum Well Solar Cells
Proc. 22nd EU PVSEC, Milano, 2007
- U. Aeberhard and
R.H. Morf,
Microscopic Modelling of
Quantum Well Solar Cells
SISPAD 07, Wien, 2007
- SJ Zeder, U. Aeberhard, B. Ruhstaller, W. Tress,
Photon recycling in metal halide perovskites: Its modeling and relevance to optoelectronic devices,
in: Metal Halide Perovskites for Generation, Manipulation and Detection of Light, pp. 507-545, Elsevier, 2023,
- U. Aeberhard,
Nano-Structure Solar Cells,
in: Handbook of Optoelectronic Device Modelling and Simulation, pp. 441-447, Taylor&Francis Oct. 2017, Ed. J. Piprek,
- U. Aeberhard and
R.H. Morf,
Photovoltaic Effects in
Quantum Confined Systems: Microscopic
Theory and Numerical Simulation
Chapter 4 of: "Physics of Nanostructured Solar Cells", Nova Science
Publishers, 2010
- U. Aeberhard,
A Microscopic
Theory of Quantum Well Photovoltaics,
(PhD thesis, ETH Zuerich, 2008)
- Simulation of advanced-concept solar cells beyond the limitations of the drift-diffusion picture
(AMaSiS workshop, Berlin, 12.09.2024).
- Advanced simulation of perovskite-based tandem solar cells
(SPIE Photonics West 2023, San Francisco (USA), 30.01.2023)
- Simulation of photon recycling in thin film solar cells - from non-equilibrium Green's functions to luminescent coupling in perovskite-based tandems
(UW-Madison's Grainger Institute Computing in Engineering Forum 2022, online, 20.09.2022)
- Quantum Transport with Light-Matter Interaction (CECAM workshop on Quantum Transport Methods and Algorithms: From Particles to Waves Approaches, Zürich, 08.07.2022)
- Computational device optimization and parameter extraction for perovskite-based solar cells
(SPIE Photonics West OPTO 2020, 05.02.2020)
- Computational characterization of passivated contacts for silicon solar cells
(Renewable Energy meets HPC: Final conference of EoCoE, Nicosia, Cyprus, 17.09.2018)
- Microscopic Simulation of Recombination & Transport at Heterointerfaces in Solar Cells
(SimOEP18, Winterthur, 05.09.2018)
- NEGF Theory of Photovoltaics at the Nanoscale - Progress & Challenges
(PNGFVII, Frascati, Italy, 30.08.2018)
- A quantum-kinetic perspective on PV device operation in nanostructure-based solar cells
(MRS Spring Meeting, Phoenix, 21.04.2017)
- Multi-scale simulation of nanostructure-based solar cell devices
(SLQM opening workshop, FZ Jülich, 04.04.2017)
- Photovoltaic reciprocity and quasi-Fermi level splitting in nanostructure-based solar cells
(SPIE Photonics West OPTO, 01.02.2017)
- Quasi-ballistic hot-carrier transport in ultrathin solar cells
(HEMP 2016 workshop, Imperial College London,15.09.2016)
- NEGF theory of photovoltaics at the nanoscale -
from quantum fields to solar cell characteristics
(Invited seminar at Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science, 02.05.2016)
- Simulation of nanostructure-based solar cells beyond the limits
of the semiclassical approximation
(Theory and Modelling for PV,
Univ. Aix-Marseille, 01.10.2015)
- Nonequilibrium Green's function theory of nanostructure solar
(PNGF VI conference, Lund University, 21.08.2015)
- Keldysh theory of photovoltaics at the nanoscale - from quantum
fields to solar cell characteristics
(LOMA Seminar, University of Bordeaux, 15.05.2015)
- Radiative subband transitions in quantum photovoltaic device
(HEMP 2014 workshop, Imperial College London, 22.07.2014)
- Nonequilibrium Green's functions for optoelectronic devices
(NEWLED workshop, University of Rome Tor Vergata, 09.04.2014)
- Simulation of absorption, photogeneration and carrier extraction
in nanostructure based and
ultra-thin film solar cell devices beyond the classical picture
(SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, 02.02.2014)
- Mesoscopic simulation of charge carrier photogeneration and
extraction in nanostructure-based solar cell devices
(NESEC workshop, PROMES/Université de Perpignan, 11.12.2012)
- Simulation of direct and phonon-assisted tunneling currents in
bulk and quantum well interband tunnel junctions for multijunction
solar cells
(HEMP 2012 workshop, Imperial
College London, 18.09.2012)
- Quantum-kinetic theory of nanostructure
based photovoltaic devices
(IWCE 2012, Madison, 23.05.2012)
- Quantum-kinetic theory of nanostructure
based photovoltaic devices
(IRDEP/Chimie ParisTech,
- Quantum-kinetic theory of nanostructure
based photovoltaic devices
(CSE seminar at STFC Daresbury
Laboratory, 17.01.2012)
- Towards an effective microscopic theory of quantum dot solar
(High efficiency materials for photovoltaics workshop,
College London, 11.08.2011)
- Microscopic theory and numerical simulation of quantum well
solar cells
(SPIE Photonics
West 2010, San Francisco, 25.01.2010)
- Microscopic
theory of coupled quantum well structures in photovoltaics
(MRS spring
meeting 2008, San Francisco, 25.03.2008)
- Simulation of Reverse-Bias Breakdown in All-Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells and its Impact on Module Performance under Partial Shading Conditions,
(PVSEC-35, Numazu, 14.11.2024)
- Multi-Scale Simulation of Non-Idealities in All-Perovskite Tandem Photovotaic Modules,
(EU PVSEC, Vienna, 25.09.2024)
- Multi-Scale Simulation of Reverse-Bias Breakdown in All-Perovskite Tandem Photovoltaic Modules under Partial Shading Conditions,
(SimOEP 2024, ZHAW Winterthur, 02.09.2024)
- Modelling Reverse-Bias Breakdown in All-Perovskite Tandem Modules under Partial Shading Conditions,
(Tandem PV workshop, Amsterdam, 27.06.2024)
- Simulation-Based Loss Analysis & Optimization of All-Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells & Modules,
(EU PVSEC, Lisboa, 20.9.2023)
- Role of Contacts in the Operation of Valley-Photovoltaic Devices,
(EU PVSEC, Lisboa 18.09.2023)
- Quantum transport simulation of valley-photovoltaic devices
(SPIE Photonics West 2023, San Francisco, 31.01.2023)
- Impact of photon recycling on the light extraction from metal halide perovskite light emitting diodes
(SimOEP 2022, Winterthur, 08.09.2022)
- Photon recycling and luminescent coupling in all-perovskite tandem solar cells quantified by full opto-electronic device simulation
(2022 IEEE 49th Photovoltaics Specialists Conference (PVSC), Philadelphia)
- Simulation of hot-carrier filtering in InAs-InP nanowire heterostructures
(2022 IEEE 49th Photovoltaics Specialists Conference (PVSC), Philadelphia)
- Photon Recycling and Luminescent Coupling in All-Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells Assessed by Full Opto-Electronic Device Simulation
(2nd Tandem PV Workshop, Freiburg, 31.5.2022)
- Photon Recycling and Luminescent Coupling in all-Perovksite Tandem Solar Cells Assessed by a Full Optoelectronic Simulation
(NanoGe Spring Meeting 2022, online)
- Rigorous simulation of photon recycling effects in perovskite solar cells and LEDs
(2021 International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devoces (NUSOD), online).
- Photon recycling in perovskite solar cells assessed by a detailed-balance compatible dipole emission model
(2021 IEEE 48th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), online)
- Computational assessment of photon recycling in ultra-thin GaAs solar cells
(2021 IEEE 48th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), online).
- Microscopic simulation of hot carrier effects in quantum well solar cells
(SPIE Photonics West OPTO 2020, 04.02.2020)
Numerical Optimization of Organic and Hybrid Multijunction Solar Cells
(46th IEEE PVSC Chicago, 17.06.2019)
- Computational characterization of pasivating contacts for silicon solar cells
(EERA-AMPEA-EoCoE Joint Workshop, Brussels, 07.06.2018)
- Computational investigation of quantum well superlattice solar cells
(Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society, Berlin, 12.03.2018)
- Computational challenges in the
NEGF simulation of mesoscopic solar cell components
(Euro-TMCS II, Cork, Ireland, 09.12.2016)
- Simulation of Ultra-thin Solar Cells Beyond the Limits of the Semi-classical Bulk Picture
(43rd IEEE PVSC, Portland, USA, 10.6.2016)
- Towards a multi-scale approach to the simulation of silicon
heterojunction solar cells
(MultiscaleSolar workshop, Valencia, Spain, 04.11.2015)
- Photovoltaics at the nanoscale: limits of the semiclassical bulk
(HEMP 2015, London, UK, 11.09.2015)
- Quantum-kinetic theory of non-radiative processes in
nanostructures for photovoltaic energy conversion
(Euro-TMCS I 2015, Granada, Spain, 30.01.2015)
- Fluorescence spectra of colloidal QD: impact of QD configuration
and carrier dynamics
(TMCS IV 2014, Salford, UK, 24.01.2014)
- Photon Green's functions for a consistent theory of absorption
and emission in nanostructure-based solar cell devices
(NUSOD 2013, Vancouver, Canada, 19.08.2013)
- Rigorous Simulation of InAlGaAs-InGaAs Bulk and Quantum Well
Tunnel Junctions for Multijunction Solar Cells
(IEEE PVSC 39, Tampa FL,
USA, 17.06.2013)
- Quantum-kinetic Theory of Defect-mediated Recombination in
Nanostructure-based Photovoltaic Devices
(MRS Fall Meeting 2012, Boston, 27.11.2012)
- Quantum-kinetic theory of nanostructure
based photovoltaic devices
(NREL, Golden, 21.5.2012)
- NEGF theory of quantum-dot fluorescence
(TMCS III workshop 2012, Leeds, 19.1.2012)
- Effective microscopic theory of quantum
dot superlattice solar cells
(NUSOD conference 2011, Rome, 7.9.2011)
- Theory and simulation of charge carrier
photogeneration and transport in silicon quantum dot superlattices
Spring Meeting & Bilateral Energy Conference 2011, Nice, 11.05.2011)
- Quantum-kinetic theory and numerical simulation of
photogeneration and transport in Si-SiOx superlattice absorbers
Fall Meeting 2010, Warsaw, 14.10.2010)
- Non-Equilibrium Green's Function Theory of Quantum Photovoltaic
(CECAM workshop on empirical methods in semiconductor nano-structure
design and modeling , Manchester University, 25.06.2010)
- Theory and Simulation of Quantum Photovoltaic Devices
(3rd Generation Photovoltaics Symposium, HWU Edinburgh, 26.05.2010)
- Quantum-kinetic theory of photovoltaic devices with
low-dimensional absorbers
(Talk at the ITP ETH Zürich, 17.03.2010)
- Quantum-kinetic theory of photovoltaic devices with
low-dimensional absorbers
(Talk at the Quantsol Workshop 2010, Brigels CH, 10.03.2010)
- Theory and Simulation of Quantum Photovoltaic Devices
(24th Umbrella Symposium, Forschungszentrum Jülich, 19.01.2010)
- Theory and simulation of quantum photovoltaic devices: challenges
and strategies
(Quantum Photovoltaics Group, Imperial College, London, 17.12.2009)
- Spectral properties of photogenerated carriers in quantum well
solar cells
(E-MRS 2009, Strasbourg, 6. 2009)
- Towards
a microscopic theory of quantum well photovoltaics
(Balents group meeting, UCSB, 19.03.2008)
- Quantum
well solar cells: microscopic theory and numerical simulation
(CSULB Physics Colloquium, Long Beach, 17.03.2008)
- Absorption and Photocurrent of
semiconductor quantum wells: a multiband NEGF approach
(APS march meeting, New Orleans, 12.03.2008)
- Towards a Microscopic Non-Equilibrium
Theory of Quantum Well Photovoltaics
(IHT, RWTH Aachen, 02.11.2007)
- Microscopic Non-Equilibrium Theory of
Quantum Well Solar
(Heraus Seminar 07, Bad Honnef, 31.10.2007)
- Microscopic modelling of quantum well
solar cells
(SISPAD 07, TU Wien, 26.09.2007)
- Microscopic modelling of quantum well
solar cells
(22nd EU PVSEC, Milano, 3.09.2007)
- Microscopic Theory of Quantum Well
Solar Cells
(Imperial College, Quantum Photovoltaics Group, 8. 2007)
- Microscopic modelling of quantum well
solar cells
(Quantsol, Bad Hofgastein, Austria, 3. 2007)
- NEGF modelling of QWSC
(APS march meeting, Denver, USA, 3.2007)
- Theory and simulation of nanostructure-based high efficiency
photovoltaic devices
(Next generation solar energy II workshop, Erlangen, 9-11.12.13)
- Non-equilibrium Green's function theory of excitonic effects in
the photocurrent
response of semiconductor nanostructures
(HEMP 2012 workshop, Imperial College London, 17-18.9.12)
- Microscopic theory of absorption and emission in
nanostructured solar cells:
beyond the generalized Planck formula
EU PVSEC, Hamburg, 21-25.9.09)
- Photovoltaic properties of coupled quantum well structures:
microscopic theory and
numerical simulation
(23rd EU PVSEC, Valencia, 1.-5.9.08)
- Microscopic modelling of quantum well
solar cells
(SISPAD 2007, 24.9.-26.9.07,TU Wien)
- Nonequilibrium Green's function modelling of
quantum well
solar cells
(SPG Meeting 2007, 21.-22.2.07, University of Zurich)