Daniel C. Bowden


Journal Articles

Bowden, D. C., Klaasen, S., Martin, E., Paitz, P. (in prep). “Beamforming and Array Processing with Distributed Acoustic Sensing”

Bowden, D. C., Coughlin, M., Fichtner, A., Tsai, V. (in prep). “Array-to-station earthquake site response”

Tsai, V., Sager, K., Bowden, D. C., (in review) "Towards Finite-Domain Full Waveform Ambient Noise Inversion"

Bowden, D. C., Bozdag, E., Shaikhsulaimann A., Fichtner, A., Konca, O (in press). "Telecommunications Fibers Map Earthquake Hazards in Istanbul"

Andreas Wuestefeld, Zack J. Spica, Kasey Aderhold, Hsin‐Hua Huang, Kuo‐Fong Ma, Voon Hui Lai, Meghan Miller, Lena Urmantseva, Daniel Zapf, Daniel C. Bowden, Pascal Edme, Tjeerd Kiers, Antonio P. Rinaldi, Katinka Tuinstra, Camille Jestin, Sergio Diaz‐Meza, Philippe Jousset, Christopher Wollin, Arantza Ugalde, Sandra Ruiz Barajas, Beatriz Gaite, Gilda Currenti, Michele Prestifilippo, Eiichiro Araki, Takashi Tonegawa, Sjoerd de Ridder, Andy Nowacki, Fabian Lindner, Martin Schoenball, Christoph Wetter, Hong‐Hu Zhu, Alan F. Baird, Robin A. Rørstadbotnen, Jonathan Ajo‐Franklin, Yuanyuan Ma, Robert E. Abbott, Kathleen M. Hodgkinson, Robert W. Porritt, Christian Stanciu, Agatha Podrasky, David Hill, Biondo Biondi, Siyuan Yuan, Bin Luo, Sergei Nikitin, Jan Petter Morten, Vlad‐Andrei Dumitru, Werner Lienhart, Erin Cunningham, Herbert Wang (2023). "The Global DAS Month of February 2023", Seismological Research Letters, doi: https://doi.org/10.1785/0220230180

K. Lentas, D. Bowden, N.S. Melis, A. Fichtner, M. Koroni, K. Smolinski, A. Bogris, T. Nikas, C. Simos, I. Simos (2023). "Earthquake location based on Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) as a seismic array", Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, Volume 344, 107109, ISSN 0031-9201, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pepi.2023.107109.

Igel, J. K. H., Bowden, D. C. , and Fichtner, A. (2023). "SANS: Publicly Available Daily Multi‐Scale Seismic Ambient Noise Source Maps", Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128, e2022JB025114. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JB025114

Bowden, D. C., Fichtner, A., Nikas, T., Bogris, A., Simos, C., Smolinski, K., Koroni, M., Lentas K., Simos, I., Melis, N. S. (2022). “Linking Distributed and Integrated Fiber Optic Sensing”, Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL098727. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL098727

Bogris, A., Nikas, T., Simos, C., Iraklis, S., Konstantinos, L., Melis, N. S., Fichtner, A., Bowden, D. C., Smolinski, K., Mesaritakis, C., Chochliouros, I. (2022), "Sensitive seismic sensors based on microwave frequency fiber interferometry in commercially deployed cables", Nature Scientific Reports 12, 14000. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-18130-x

Fichtner A., Bogris, A., Bowden, D. C., Lentas, K., Melis, N. S., Nikas, T., Simos, C., Simos, I., Smolinski, K. (2022), "Sensitivity kernels for transmission fibre optics", Geophysical Journal International, Volume 231, Issue 2, November 2022, Pages 1040–1044, https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggac238

Fichtner A., Bogris, A., Nikas, T., Bowden, D. C., Lentas, K., Melis, N. S., Simos, C., Simos, I., Smolinski, K. (2022), Theory of phase transmission fibre-optic deformation sensing", Geophysical Journal International, Volume 231, Issue 2, November 2022, Pages 1031–1039, https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggac237

Meyers, P.M., Prestegard, T., Mandic, V., Tsai, V.C., Bowden, D.C., Matas, A., Pavlis, G., Caton, R. (2021). "A Linear Inversion Approach to Measuring the Composition and Directionality of the Seismic Noise Field." Remote Sensing, 13, 3097. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13163097

Bowden, D. C., Sager, K., Fichtner A., Chmiel M. (2021). “Connecting Beamforming and Kernel-based Source Inversion” Geophysical Journal International 224.3, 1607-1620. https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggaa539
[Video Abstract]

Kohler, M, Bowden, D. C., Ampuero, J.-P., Shi, J., (2020). “Globally Scattered 2011 Tohoku Tsunami Waves from a Seafloor Sensor Array in the Northeast Pacific Ocean” Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125(11). https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JB020221

Fichtner A., Bowden, D. C., Ermert, L. (2020). “Optimal processing for seismic noise correlations” Geophysical Journal International, 223(3), 1548-1564. https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggaa390

Brissaud, Q., Bowden, D. C., Tsai, V. C. (2020). “Extension of the Basin Rayleigh-Wave Amplification Theory to Include Basin-Edge Effects” Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 110(3), 1305-1322. https://doi.org/10.1785/0120190161

Coughlin, M., Harms, J., Bowden, D. C., Meyers, P., Tsai, V. C., Mandic, V., … Prestegard, T. (2019). “Coherence-based approaches for estimating the composition of the seismic wavefield” Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124, 2941–2956. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018jb016608

Meyers, P., Bowden, D. C., Prestegard, T., Tsai, V. C., Mandic, V., Pavlis, G., & Caton, R. (2019). “Direct Observations of Surface‐Wave Eigenfunctions at the Homestake 3D Array” Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 109(4), 1194–1202. https://doi.org/10.1785/0120190026

Mandic, V., Tsai, V. C., Pavlis, G. L., Prestegard, T., Bowden, D. C., Meyers, P., and Caton, R. (2018). "A 3D Broadband Seismometer Array Experiment at the Homestake Mine" Seismological Research Letters. https://doi.org/10.1785/0220170228

Bowden, D. C., V. C. Tsai, and F.-C. Lin (2017). "Amplification and attenuation across USArray using ambient noise wavefront tracking" J. Geophys. Res., 122, doi:10.1002/2017JB014804 [PDF]

Tsai, V. C., D. C. Bowden, and H. Kanamori (2017). "Explaining extreme ground motion in Osaka Basin during the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake" Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, doi:10.1002/2017GL074120 [PDF]

Bowden, D. C., V. C. Tsai, (2017). "Earthquake ground motion amplification for surface waves" Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 121-127, doi:10.1002/2016GL071885. [PDF]

Bowden, D. C., M. D. Kohler, V. C. Tsai, and D. S. Weeraratne (2016). "Offshore Southern California lithospheric velocity structure from noise cross-correlation functions" J. Geophys. Res., 121, doi:10.1002/2016JB012919. [PDF]

Bowden, D. C., V. C. Tsai, and F.-C. Lin (2015). "Site amplification, attenuation and scattering from noise correlation amplitudes across a dense array in Long Beach, CA" Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 1360-1367, doi:10.1002/2014GL062662. [PDF]

Earle, P. S., D. C. Bowden, M. Guy (2011). "Twitter earthquake detection: earthquake monitoring in a social world" Annals of Geophysics, 54, 6, 708-715, doi:10.4401/ag-5364 [Link]

First-author Conferences and Presentations

AGU 2023: Seeing Seismic Waves under Istanbul using Distributed Acoustic Sensing. Daniel C. Bowden, Ali Shaikhsulaiman, Ebru Bozdag, Andreas Fichtner, A. Özgün Konca, Semih Ergintav, Ridvan Orsvuran, Austin Hoyle, Esra Ertan, Evrim Yavuz, Muhammed Ünlü, Isra Bostancioglu, Murat Yün

EPOS Seismology Workshop and GFZ International Training Course, Podgorica, Montenegro: On the varied uses of Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS), and future challenges in data management. Daniel C. Bowden

IUGG 2023: Urban Noise Tomography in Athens, Greece, using Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS). Daniel C Bowden, Lu Tian, Yuhan Wang, Krystyna Smolinski, Andreas Fichtner, Adonis Bogris, Thomas Nikas, Konstantinos Lentas, Nikolaos S. Melis, Christos Simos, Iraklis Simos

AGU 2021: Sensitivity Kernels to Untangle Basin Path and Site Amplification Effects. Daniel C. Bowden, Marta Pienkowska-Cote, Christian Boehm, Andreas Fichtner and Quentin Brissaud

EGU 2021: Wave-selective beamforming with Distributed Acoustic Sensing. Daniel C. Bowden, Sara Klaasen, Eileen Martin, Patick Paitz, Andreas Fichtner

SSA 2021: Sensitivity Kernels for Basin Path and Site Effects. Daniel C. Bowden, Marta Pienkowska-Cote, Quentin Brissaud, Andreas Fichtner

AGU 2020: Imaging noise sources: comparing a data driven matched-field processing technique and noise source inversion. Daniel C. Bowden, Jonas Igel, Korbinian Sager, and Andreas Fichtner (Poster)

EGU 2020: On the link between Beamforming and Kernel-based Source Inversion. Daniel C. Bowden, Korbinian Sager, Andreas Fichtner and Małgorzata Chmiel (Poster)

AGU 2019: Ambient Noise Array-to-station Correlations: Wiener Filters (Invited). Daniel C. Bowden, Michael Coughlin, Andreas Fichtner, Victor Tsai, Jan Harms (Talk)

AGU 2019: A connection between Beamforming and Kernel-Based Source Inversion. Daniel C. Bowden, Korbinian Sager, Andreas Fichtner and Małgorzata Chmiel (Poster)

EGU 2019: Wiener filter seismic timeseries prediction - site response application and connections to array processing. Daniel C. Bowden, Michael Coughlin, Jan Harms, Andreas Fichtner, Victor Tsai, Vuk Mandic, Gary Pavlis, Pat Meyers, Ross Caton, Tanner Prestegard (Talk)

ETH Geophysics Colloquium, April 2019: Site Amplifications and Surface Waves (Talk).

AGU 2017: Describing Site Amplification for Surface Waves in Realistic Basins. D.C. Bowden, V.C. Tsai (Talk)

Stanford Geophysics Department, June 2017: Surface wave amplification and attenuation - Observations from dense arrays and their seismic hazard interpretation

SSA 2017: Estimating Noise and Wave-propagation Effects from a 3D Array at the Sanford Underground Research Facility. D.C. Bowden, V.C. Tsai, V. Mandic, G. Pavlis, T. Prestegard, P. Meyers, L. Walls, R. Caton, M. Coughlin, Jan Harms

AGU 2016: Amplifications of Surface Waves and the Connection to Seismic Hazard ([Talk]). D.C. Bowden, V.C. Tsai, F.-C. Lin

UCLA Geophysics Department Seminar, April 2016: Seismic Amplitudes from Ambient Noise Wavefront Tracking - Maps from USArray and Long Beach, and the Connection to Engineering Hazards

SSA 2016: Interpreting Site Amplifications from Surface Wave Tomography ([Poster]). D.C. Bowden, V.C. Tsai, F.-C. Lin

IRIS Minority Recruitment Seminar at University of New Mexico, Feb 2016

IRIS Minority Recruitment Seminar at University of Houston Clear Lake, Jan 2016

AGU 2015: Ambient Noise Observables from USArray: Site Amplification, Scattering and Attenuation (Talk). D.C. Bowden, V.C. Tsai, F.-C. Lin

AGU 2015: A 3D Seismic Velocity Model Offshore Southern California from Ambient Noise Tomography of the ALBACORE OBS Array ([Poster]). M.D. Kohler, D.C. Bowden, V.C. Tsai

SCEC 2015: A 3D Seismic Velocity Model Offshore Southern California from Ambient Noise Tomography of the ALBACORE OBS Array (Poster). D.C. Bowden, M.D. Kohler, V.C. Tsai

SSA 2015: Site Amplification from Ambient Noise Wavefronts. D.C. Bowden, V.C. Tsai, F.-C. Lin

SSA 2015: The ALBACORE OBS Array and a 3D Seismic Velocity Model Offshore Southern California (Poster). D.C. Bowden, M.D. Kohler, V.C. Tsai

AGU 2014: Using Ambient Noise Data from the ALBACORE OBS Array to Determine a 3D Seismic Velocity Model Offshore Southern California (Poster). M.D. Kohler, D.C. Bowden, V.C. Tsai, D.S. Weeraratne

AGU 2014: Ambient Noise Correlation Amplitudes and Local Site Response ([Talk*]). D.C. Bowden, V.C. Tsai, F.-C. Lin (*Outstanding Student Paper Award)

IRIS Amphibious Array Facility Workshop 2014: A 3D Seismic Velocity Model Offshore Southern California. D.C. Bowden, M.D. Kohler, V.C. Tsai, D.S. Weeraratne (Poster)

University of Utah Geophysics Seminar, 2014: Amplitudes from Ambient Noise

SSA 2014: Impact of Scattering on the Design of a Network of Arrays for Earthquake Rupture Imaging (Talk). D.C. Bowden, J.P. Ampuero, L. Meng

AGU 2013: Determining a 3D Seismic Velocity Model Offshore Southern California Using Ambient Noise Data from the ALBACORE OBS array (Poster). M.D. Kohler, D.C. Bowden, V.C. Tsai, D.S. Weerarate

AGU 2013: Amplitude measurements in ambient noise correlations--application to attenuation and site response measurements (Talk). D.C. Bowden, V.C. Tsai, F.-C. Lin

AGU 2011: Twitter Seismology: Earthquake Monitoring and Response in a Social World (Poster). D.C. Bowden, P.S. Earle, M. Guy, G. Smoczyk

AGU 2010: Stanford-USGS Ultra-Low Frequency Electromagnetic Network: Hardware Developments in Magnetometer Calibration and Data Recording (Poster). D.C. Bowden, H. Engelland-Gay, A. Enright, J. Gardner, S.L. Klemperer, D.K. McPhee, J.M. Glen
